Getting shocked by a fence isn't fun at all. When I was 5 I lived in Washington (state) and our neighbors had a cow pasture between our houses. They never (well almost never as I discovered) had the fence on, but one day I was going to their house and was climbing through the fence like I always did...
I had grabbed the top and botton wires to pull them apart to climb through, the next thing I knew I was about 10 feet away from the fence, on my back, waking up. Ever since I can't stand any sort of shock (I've been known to punch people that scrub their feet on a carpet and touch me).
[QUOTE=Damuna_Nova]I think "Bunny" is cute. ^_^[/QUOTE]You would, in reference to Rav.
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
[QUOTE=Damuna_Nova]I think "Bunny" is cute. ^_^[/QUOTE]
You do? Just like Juni then...interesting...
Anyways, I didn't think you'd like me much after me countering loads of your arguments tonight...
[QUOTE=Lestat] sorry bunnyboy [/QUOTE]
Ohh, I never meant anyone here. I've always liked this place for the people around here and the reception I got.
No, I just meant my own experience in real life.
*steps briefly behind the bar, picks up some Baccardi*
*thinks this looks like water, it can't be alcohol*
*pours water-lie substance with coke, hands glass to Phreddie*
There ya go sailor.
*sips more C&C*
*is almost ready for 2 hours of conference calls*
My uncle beat my Dad up after my uncle peed on an Elecectric fence once.
He thought he'd hit him with a shovel.
[]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url=""]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it
[QUOTE=Ravager]Ohh, I never meant anyone here. I've always liked this place for the people around here and the reception I got.
No, I just meant my own experience in real life. [/QUOTE]
The abundant use of smileys should have told you something...
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
[QUOTE=Lestat]The abundant use of smileys should have told you something... [/QUOTE]
*nods* You know how it is, when you get the odd semi-serious topic you just have to post a serious reply on the off-chance... :laugh:
Anyway, it's just for the benefit of everyone.
Lets keep the conversation civili in here everyone. If you have a problem with someone take it to pms. Flaming isn't tolerated and you all know that. sorry it took so long to respond but between work and a bout of food poisoning I haven't been online in a while.
[url=""]GameBanshee[/url] Make your gaming scream! "I have seen them/I have watched them all fall/I have been them/I have watched myself crawl" "I will only complicate you/Trust in me and fall as well" "Quiet more whine"