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A couple questions

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A couple questions

Post by Hearth »

Just a couple questions..

1.How did my character obtain his "weird symbols"? Can they be brightened so that they can be seen easily? Can they disappear in time?

2.Can I somehow shave off my guys body hair?

3.How come one of my characters grew body hair and the other didn't (one who didn't has lived about twice as many game days)?

4.One more, if i sell my legendary weapon to a store (let's say avo's tear) is it gone for good or can i buy it back?
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Post by DesR85 »

1.How did my character obtain his "weird symbols"? Can they be brightened so that they can be seen easily? Can they disappear in time?[/QUOTE]

You mean on the body? Yeah, you can see it though you can't do much with it and no, you can't make them disappear let alone remove it.

2.Can I somehow shave off my guys body hair?[/QUOTE]

No, you can't. No such option.

3.How come one of my characters grew body hair and the other didn't (one who didn't has lived about twice as many game days)?[/QUOTE]

Never had this before. Could be a gameplay glitch? :confused:

4.One more, if i sell my legendary weapon to a store (let's say avo's tear) is it gone for good or can i buy it back?[/QUOTE]

Yes you can buy it back. The weapon you sell will be in that storekepeer's buy list.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by Matt9148 »

[QUOTE=Hearth]1.How did my character obtain his "weird symbols"? Can they be brightened so that they can be seen easily? Can they disappear in time?QUOTE]

I think the weird symboles you're talking about are what you get when you level up your Will. They do get somewhat bright if you max everything up, but it never does get that visible, the easiest thing to see is the mist by your hands.
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Post by Skorm_himself »

Im not sure what you mean in "wierd symbols" if you mean tattoos they dont disappear unless u got to tattooist and ask him to take those out

and if u meant scars they dont disappear they just turn to bit more camou flage so they dont show up wery well

and selling legendary weapons, well if u have legendary weapon u know u dont use , why not to sell it? obtains good money
~if im right they disappear from the shop

EDIT: if u mean wierd symbols as the will things, they come to u at fun way.
If u use Much Fireball / enflame ur hands are getting black and dirty about the black thing that comes from fire (dont know the word)

and if u use much lighting ur hands start to glow blue.

this is the thing i'v noticed with my mage.
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm

ps: free coffee every monday
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