Mine is definitelly Twinblade he look awesome it was love at first sight!
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
Its been a while since I've played Fable: TLC but some of the characters there are memorable and I still remember even though its been months already.
Ok, here are my favourite NPCs:
1) The Guildmaster
2) The 3 traders (Trader Quest)
3) The Fire Heart Prophets
4) The Headmaster in Bowerstone South (especially when he reads some bad books you donated to him)
This is as far as I can remember.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
Definatly Jack of Blades! He is so cool!!! Actually a pitty you have to kill a guy like him...
We don't know what exactly he is, even the Oracle doesn't know it! All we (and the Oracle) know is that he is old... VERY old. And that's about it...
We don't understand him, nor do we know his plans, so we are actually fighting something we don't understand.
Who knows! Perhaps he would have used the power of the Sword of Aeons to balance the world and re-unite the Old kingdom...
Fighting something you don't understand is a typical mistake of men, and many good things have gone to waste because of this 'first act then think' action...
Oh! And how could I forget Scythe! He's a favourtie of mine too.
Then I'd say that I like the assasin who you are hired to kill by a Guard.
Uff i dont know much anything about those "scythes" and other becos im playing fable normal :///
maze is cool too
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
scythe can be seen in the regular version when you first start the game and are at the guild and suposed to go see the guild master just go to Maze's room in the tower and you will see him talking with Maze and the will be arguing on scythes views or something Maze will tell you who he is
Do i get somekind of quest from it? / its related to a quest?
EDIT: and in wich point actually i can get to the mazes office?
Im goint to test it soon
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
scythe is NOT in the original.
you can always get to mazes office.
it doesnt say how old jack is but every one in the game knows that jack is exremely old,the oracle can confirm that,but thats in TLC.
and no there is no quest related to that,its just a cutcene to show scythe as a new character.
Nope, no quest from the conversation.
If I understand the reason they are arguing correctly then here it is:
Scythe wants to travel to the Northen Wastes because they have been isolated from the guild for too long and because he may learn much there (Or maybe he senses what will happen there after the first Jack?). He also mentions that the length of the journey is of no importance to him (well duuh, he's kinda dead already) meaning that he too uses a ship, yet how he gets the Ship of the Drowed to work for HIM is still strange, I thought that only the chosen one (you) that carries Jacks Maks could enter to see the Prophets of the Fire Heart! Anyway, Maze doesn't want him to leave and tells him that he will be needed here (I also don't know why Maze tells him that, if he really did plan to join Jack then it would have been essential for him to get rid of as many opposition as possible! And I would see Scythe as someone who is not to be taken lightly...)
So here you have it, even though some things don't make much sense, but that's what I think they were REALLY talking about. You can only form an oppinion once you've played through the game though, I like that...
If you are wandering how to get the conversation then I believe there is a thread: 'Easter egg at the beginning of Fable' wich explains how to see the conversation. Though I do not believe this conversation to be an easter egg.
and yes i have visited thread : Easter egg at the beginning of the game
and i think i replied something to there as well
But it said that i would meet scythe during the quest where i need to collect cooking apples and i tested and didnt see a thing
and on this thread i had new instructions to go to the maze's office while i need to speak to the guildmaster and havent tested it yet but as u said it seems scythe is only at the TLC *crying
i got to google him xD
555 = human
666 = satan
777 = god
888 = Skorm _ himself
999 = Skorm _ himself
101010 = nothing can go over this!
Dagoth ur wants U! to kill the N'wah from morrowind!. recruiting at nearest sixth house base every day 3:00pm
Yes you CAN see him: Orist Fhist said that the cutscene occurs as well as in the Original Fable as well as in the TLC verion of the game...
But if you want to have a VERY detailed look at him (I don't even know wether those guys invented or obtained the details on some miraculous way)
you should check this link: [url="http://perso.wanadoo.fr/gamers-france/fable/a78.jpg"]perso.wanadoo.fr/gamers-france/fable/a78.jpg[/url]