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What you think you know about health is wrong

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What you think you know about health is wrong

Post by Kingslake »

If you go up a level, say from 5th to 6th, guess what difference will there be to your health increase, with endurance of 55 compared to 60.

Forget what the book says. I have tried this myself and urge you to test it. Here are various results from levelling up from 5th to 6th level.

1) Endurance not selected as boosted attribute (End. stays at 55) gives +5 health
2) Endurance selected with x2 multiplier (End. rises to 57) gives +9 health
3) Endurance selected with x3 multiplier (End. rises to 58) gives +11 health
4) Endurance selected with x4 multiplier (End. rises to 59) gives +13 health
5) Endurance selected with x5 multiplier (End. rises to 60) gives +16 health
6) I never had a save-game that allowed me to test selecting endurance with no multiplier, but it would seem reasonable to assume it would be +7

So your health increase is +5 at endurance of 55, and +16 at Endurance of 60.

So what does this all mean. I started at level one with 35 endurance, which equals 70 starting health (that much is by the book). I took Endurance at each level-up with maximum x5 multipliers each time. I got health increases of 14,14,14,15,16. Even going from 35 to 40 endurance at level two got me 14 health.

My conclusion is this. If you want to maximise your health at each level, select endurance at x5 every time you level up, certainly when your level is still in single figures. It certainly appears that the most important thing to improve your health when levelling is the multiplier on Endurance when you level up, rather than the actual endurance level.

Going by the increases my character got, it seems to me an approximate guess as to how health is calculated at each level (at least up to level 6) can be stated roughly as:

5 plus twice the endurance multiplier if it is selected at level-up. That is not quite exact, because if you look at what happened to my character, it is one point less than that at lower levels, and one point higher at level 6.

To correct this I am guessing there is a very small +/- modification for your actual endurance level. -1 for every 10 points below 50 and +1 for every 10 points above 50. That would make every level I gained work out exactly right.

As I said before, try it yourself
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Post by subie123poot »

yes you want to increase your endurance stat first to maximum at every level until it is at 100. then you get +10 every time you level up after that. i am at level 52 with 660 health.
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Post by Kingslake »

That sounds right

That sounds right. The calculation of mine would mean that levelling up when endurance is at 100, you would get 5 health per level plus 1 for every 10 points over 50 endurance ( = +5). This gives a total of 10 points per level.

It's good to see that my calculation works at all levels and not just the low levels.
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Post by Kingslake »

an easier description

My previous efforts to describe what happened to your health when you level up have proved to be needlessly complicated.

Here is a much easier way to describe what happens:

Your starting health is twice your starting endurance. Each point of endurance you gain over your starting level gives you two extra health. Also, at each level you gain one extra health for every 10 points of endurance.
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Post by Dragon Reborn »

could u make that into a formula?
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Post by Kingslake »


If you are very comfortable with the creation of formulae you may be able to come up with a better one that expresses this.

However, the way you get a bonus of 1 health per 10 endurance at each level is tricky to put into a formula, because your endurance is a variable, rising as you rise in level.

You could try:

H = 2E + {.1e(rd) per level}

H is current full health
E is current Endurance (if not affected by disease/spells/poison)
e is your endurance at a particular level (if not affected...etc)
[rd] simply means rounded down.
per level means the part of the calculation in brackets is repeated for each level.

You can see why the calculation is better and more clearly expressed in the three sentences (repeated below).

"Your starting health is twice your starting endurance. Each point of endurance you gain over your starting level gives you two extra health. Also, at each level you gain one extra health for every 10 points of endurance."
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Post by mordib »

I fear that you are overthinking this one. to work out how many extra health points you will get when you level up the oonly two variables you need to know are the amount you are increasing you endurance by that level up and what your new endurance wil be.

so if you manage to increase your endurance by a whole 5 points to say 60 then you will get 6 health points (60/10) from the levelling up process and 10 points (5 x 2) for the increased endurance.

the only way to work out what your health would be for multiple level ups is to do the above for each level and add it to twice your original endurance.
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Post by Kingslake »

[QUOTE=mordib] I fear that you are overthinking this one. to work out how many extra health points you will get when you level up the oonly two variables you need to know are the amount you are increasing you endurance by that level up and what your new endurance wil be.

so if you manage to increase your endurance by a whole 5 points to say 60 then you will get 6 health points (60/10) from the levelling up process and 10 points (5 x 2) for the increased endurance.

the only way to work out what your health would be for multiple level ups is to do the above for each level and add it to twice your original endurance.

The only reason I came up with a (not very good) formula of sorts, is because I was asked to. As I said, three short sentences describe the process much more clearly.
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Post by BadBreath »

Ok, and how does magicka work?

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Post by Dragon Reborn »

i dont know, mabie its just me, but i like the formula. Thanks for coming up with one for me.
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Post by Kingslake »


In reply to how magicka works, I think a new thread is the place for that.
I would like to know the mechanism behind the way the cost (in magicka) of a particular spell drops as you rise in level/ability.

In reply to Dragon Reborn, glad you liked the formula.
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Post by Olorin »

I realize I am showing my PnP number crunching roots, but if you truly wished to max out your health, would it not be better to increase your endurance level slowly? I mean, if I am level 50, and I boost my endurance with a x5 multiplier at level up (bringing my to level 55) I should get 15 more health. Do it again and bring myself to level sixty and I will get 16 more health. That means that, by going from a 50 point endurnace to a 60 point endurance in 2 levels, I get a total of 31 to my health. If I were to boost my endurnace at every level with NO multiplier for the next ten levels, I'd get to level 60 with 71 more health, would I not? I mean, I should get 7 health for each level up to 59, and then 8 at level 60.
I am not suggesting that you do not want to get multpliers, you would not be able to get all your stats to 100 if you did it that way. But if you do go slightly slower, you could wind up with a much higher total overall.
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