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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Post by TheUsualSuspect »

All party members are level 5, and in the position to level up twice almost immediately (-1 xp point). My mage has taken Craft Wondrous Item and Craft Wand. Both began the game with Scribe Scroll.

My cleric is in the position to take Craft Magical Weapons and Armor. I have reason to doubt he's capable of giving either the Good or Lawful modifiers (and maybe more) to weapons because he's Chaotic Neutral and worships the goad of roads.

Now, if I was to give CMWA to the mage, I'd get the option to make the Bracers of Archery and the cleric could take Combat Casting instead, which he's gotten by without so far. That'd mean, though, that almost all of the xp drain of crafting would fall on the mage.

Oh, and .. has anyone gotten results from giving a cleric Craft Rod?

Suggestions? Thanks.

And a belated thank you to Plothos for help on my last problem.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

It is nice to be able to spread out the cost of crafting among two crafters. If nothing else, the cleric could add the +'s and flaming as needed. (He'll get flame strike later.) For what it's worth, I don't find I need combat casting.

Craft Rod is pretty useless unless you have a mod that has added rods to the list. Forge Ring is completely useless unless you've done so. They were added by to allow modders to create rods and such for crafting. Various co8 mods, I believe, include some items here, but I can't guarantee that. The guys at co8 can certainly give you files full of that stuff to add, if you like. But otherwise it's a total waste of a feat. The 3 rods you get with just are pretty weak.
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Post by Allyx »

IIRC there are 9 craftable rods in Co8-4.0.0, many rings and staves as well. Co8-5.0.0 should be released soon aswell there are new spells and scrolls to go with them in that patch.
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