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Possible dangers of re-classing your party?

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Possible dangers of re-classing your party?

Post by mittu »

I am thinking of starting a game using the recruitable NPCs as my party but using Shadow Keeper to change their classes. For example, I might bring Minsc into my party but change him into a Fighter with Berserker kit, change Jaheira to a pure druid and Yoshimo to a Ranger.

My quesiton is, are there any complications I will run into by doing this, for example a Yoshimo-required quest that won't become available because he isn't a thief, or Jaheria not getting some druid-related quest because you have changed her into a cleric etc. etc.

I am aware that you can start a multiplayer game and design the entire party from scratch but I don't really want to do that as you would lose all of the character interaction and special quests that only occur when you have specific people in your party.
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Post by the_limey »

The game itself will not be broken per se (though you may find Yoshi can no longer use his katana) but you should be aware that using SK doesn't actually change the class as such- it won't actually give your characters the abilities of a class as if they'd been that all along, instead they'll retain all of the abilities of their old class and begin aquiring abilities for their new class from their next level up.

To actually make them "proper" members of their new class you'll have to do it manually- use SK to remove all THAC0 bonuses, abilities, spells etc from your character, set their new class to whatever, set their level (*not* XP) to 0 then load the game. In theory your character should level up as normal when you load. To be sure, create a PC of this class, save, then check them both out in SK, they should be identical.

There is in fact an easier way to change Minsc's (and others') class here by using a fan mod at either Pocket Planer Group or The Gibberlings 3 websites (can't remeber which). Links are here on GB.
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Post by mittu »

Thanks for the tips on how to re-class properly, I will try and track down that tool you mentioned if it makes things easier.

I was just worried that I would ruin some future content by re-classing or worse yet reach an impasse that prevents me completing the game.
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Post by the_limey »

No, as far as I am aware NPC quests don't take notice of class, only that a given NPC is in your party. The only thing you may have trouble with, as I hinted at, is that some NPC's have personalised equipment and they may not be able to use them.

The mod I mentioned is not actually a tool, rather once it is intalled it automatically changes several NPC classes. And you'll find it here:
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