This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, its Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles expansions, and any user-created or premium modules.
Hello! This is my first post here. Please be gentle!
I am writing to see if anyone else has noticed the road of death near Skingrad. I call it this because I have seen at least 3 people lieing dead there. I pretty sure I seen Sham-gro-Yarug, an Argonian, and my old friend Toutious Sextius, either on the road or on the hill. I can't exactly remember where it is, but they looked like they had been executed. Especially Toutious, who looked to be killed at the top and rolled down the hill.
Could Toutious have been killed by Glarithar?
I've never seen any dead people around skingrad, of course there should be several due to gaurd confusion, and I've never been able to find the body of Davide Surellie (Killed by Glarithar)
And lo ye must learn of the great war that raged fo a couple of posts and brought the citadel momentaraly to its knees Lookie!
I tend to appear briefly and disappear very quickly after that, try not to let it bother you.
Some people are members of the Mythic Dawn. They will randomly go beserk and attack guards or other NPCs and are quickly killed. I don't know about the specific characters you mentioned but that is a possibility.
I found a body under one of the bridges leading to the Imperial City. He had to have been whacked and put there. There may be some shady things going on.
[QUOTE=Dowaco]Some people are members of the Mythic Dawn. They will randomly go beserk and attack guards or other NPCs and are quickly killed. I don't know about the specific characters you mentioned but that is a possibility.
I found a body under one of the bridges leading to the Imperial City. He had to have been whacked and put there. There may be some shady things going on.[/QUOTE]
Indeed. We should investigate and see if we can find other bodies!
some people travel between towns (walking of course) and i've seen quite a few of them get mugged by an animal or the occasional bandit, so maybe thats the source of your dead bodies?
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin
Could be that the game has a deliberately scripted event at that section of the road which is intended to grab your interest, and cause you to investigate. Much like the scripted event outside Seyda Neen in Morrowind, after that idiot mage drops to his death after jumping several hundred feet without having first cast Feather.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
[QUOTE=fable]Could be that the game has a deliberately scripted event at that section of the road which is intended to grab your interest, and cause you to investigate. Much like the scripted event outside Seyda Neen in Morrowind, after that idiot mage drops to his death after jumping several hundred feet without having first cast Feather.[/QUOTE]
Umm. Slowfall, Fable. Just pointing that out for clarity.
Sic gorgiamos allos subjectatos nunc
(The Addams family motto: Gladly we feast on those who would subdue us)
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with Ketchup.
[QUOTE=yrthwyndandfyre]Umm. Slowfall, Fable. Just pointing that out for clarity.[/QUOTE]
True enough, renamed from Morrowind.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I was lurking about near the Skingrad "road of death" around quitting time at the vinyards (I was spying on David Surille to see if he was really conspiring against Glarthir), and a couple of bandits jumped an NPC (David Surille himself). If I hadn't been there, I suppose the next day there might have been NPC bodies on the road instead of bandit bodies.
Since I hadn't given Glarthir my report yet, I doubt he sent the bandits. It crossed my mind that if David was involved with shady characters, they might have offed him before Glarthir and I could learn his secrets, but there were no new dialog options or quest updates after the attack, and David appears to be on the up-and-up. There's a bandit lair in a nearby cave, so I just think Glarthir is really nuts and the attack was a coincidence. But I could be wrong.
There is The Cursed Mine near Skingrad, and a bandit lurks there killing and robbing people.
There is also another place - can't remember it's name - with a bunch of goblins outside, that killed a city guard who obviously went to investigate. I found his body after I killed the goblins. I investigated because I found a horse standing alone in the road.
There is a lot of random stuff goes on in the game. Like Forest Rangers shooting deer - and sometimes each other - that have nothing to do with your character. I think it's just background 'colour'.
Probably no spoilers here but don't read this anyway:
If you run from one town to another you can drag a whole bunch of Minotaurs, Trolls, Bandits, etc. along as they chase you. Perhaps something was following you and these town residents got killed this way. This is a fun way to build up those hard Athletics points, have fun and get some free equipment to sell. I love it when you drag a Troll into a bandit trap and they fight. I've also had the Bleak Mine guards (the one's from Lord Drad's estate) track me down in Skingrad and in the Imperial City long after I messed with them and I've had bandits from Doznot Cave follow me into the Waterfront after messing with them.
Highlight this part to read: I've been pickpocketing suspicious people and if I find a Mythic Dawn book on them I break into their homes and ambush them. Will this affect the main plot?
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned."Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri
response as far as i know this will not affect the main quest. As the main quest plot progresses certain "dormit" mythic dawn members such as the ones in the cheydinhal manor may transform into that crazy bound armor and attack you and other npcs randomly.
-You are the Canadian bacon on my mcdonalds sausage, egg, and cheese mcmuffin