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This sucks...

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This sucks...

Post by Vash854 »

Anyway, I have this problem, infact this is the problem why I quit this darned game in the first place. Ok so I was using a console command to give myself some items, then after Im done I go to save and the game closes on me (I closed the IE window with the list of codes btw) this happened to me once before, Im not sure why but it worked after, but this time when I go back and I click load it closes again, is there anyway to fix this? :mad:
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Multiple saves are always a good idea, because corruption happens, especially when you do stuff like mess with the console in ways the designers never laid out for you in the first place.

There's a good chance this happened because one of the items you tried to give yourself isn't supported by the game. There are a ton listed in various places that will cause the game to crash. So it's always recommended that you save in several files and always always always have a save before you use the console and a then a separate save after, just in case.

As for repairing a corrupted file, I don't know of any method. Sorry.
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Post by Allyx »

The best resource you can use for accurate "give" numbers (specific to your installation) is the description.mes file in your data/mes folder, you can open it with notepad without any problems, read through, take notes of the items you're interested in, and keep a backup save before you do anything in the console.
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