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Bit of trouble with Rubikon... (possible spoilers)

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Bit of trouble with Rubikon... (possible spoilers)

Post by Vaelan »

My party consist of: TNO, Morte, Dak'kon, Annah, Grace & Nordom... I'm saved/buffed right before Rubikon's room but my problem is this: After conversation with him, I pause, send my part out to attack the various constructs in the room and focus TNOs spells on Rubikon. I notice my party just stands there (after I manually issue the command by having them pre-emptively attack while the blue circles are still around the enemies) and the constructs swarm & two-shot me (with a little help from the Modron Cannon) before I can even really start the fight.

Any general tips?

EDIT: oh and before I can arrange my party, TNO walks ahead and initiates the conversation. Will this happen if I send the rest of the party foward first to "set up" for the attack?

EDIT #2: N/M. I tried the first edit and it didn't work. It triggers when you enter, not on proximity to Rubikon :/
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