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i just cant find Mr Monturan

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i just cant find Mr Monturan

Post by johnnybravo1 »

I am doing Mr Xzar's quest (chapter 2) and is the only quest yet to be completed.
It seems, also, that when chapter 3 is started the pending quests of chapter 2 disappear from the journal.
So the questions:
(1) Where can I find Mr Monturan? I´ve searched for him everywhere (Slums, Docks, Promenade, Government, and the locations opened (De'Arnise Hold, etc). I´ve searched the Inns, streets, private houses, etc.
(2) If i don´t terminate a specifc chapter's quests, like in Neverwinter Nights, do those quests disappear from the Journal?
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Post by Ravager »

1/ Try the person standing outside the big orange building to the bottom left of Xzar's position, that'll progress the quest.
2/ No, most quests will stay in your quest journal and can be continued later on, it depends on the location of them really....some places you can get to again, others you can't.

Oh, the journal is split up into the chapters of the game, those quests are still active...they're just shown in the quest journal for the chapter you received (and progressed) them in.
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