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Post by matthewd »

Ur recomonds for spells ont the character notes are just what i am thinking

But lightning doesnt suck :mad: its a great spell to have and maxing it out makes it quite powerfull.....

But it does not match avery gamers play style thats for shure
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Post by Etherial »

First off, what happened, man? You used to be so elloquent. Are you "txting" us on a cell phone or blackberry? Punctuation an' complete words are your friends.

Second thingy, as stated before, the damage-to-mana-consuption is just too low! You're better off concentrating on an Enflame and Slow Time/Physical Shield spell combo than mucking around with Lightning, trying to cajole a group of enemies to get close together, an' spending upwards to three minutes zapping them an' popping Will Potion after Will Potion.
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Post by Etherial »

A NEW TIP! Just uncovered! I finally noticed!

If ever you needed MORE reason to get a good Guile Rating an' make infinite amounts of gold! Profitable transactions gain you Skill EXP, an' what’s more (adding to the usefulness on trading on the roads), is that this EXP is effected by your Combat Multiplier! Now then, what does this mean?
Infinite gold an' infinite Skill EXP for you to use, if you have both the Guile an' the patience for it. Remember, kiddies, the more profitable each transaction is, the more Skill experience you can spend without aging a single year. Kill those Hobbes, murder those Bandits, save those Merchants (kill them later if you're evil), an' trade in the highly lucrative market of Emeralds!
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Post by Berethor »

Ah, 'tis true. Though, there is a caveat. In most places where the wandering traders do their wandering, there aren't too many enemies, and can'y get you a high Combat Multiplier. You would get EXP, but smaller amounts.

My suggestion? If you're on Xbox, go to Cliffside Path (not the bandit one). Kill Undead with Physical Shield on until your CM hits around 100. Then warp to Oakvale and partake in buying and selling emeralds for infinate Skill experience! Though you might be maxed out by then anyways :rolleyes: .
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Post by matthewd »

sorry dude i know my spelling is screwed up i use a palmtop sometimes to dude... But typing then sucks a bit...

Anyway ya'll making good points about lightning... but these a really the bad sites of it...anyway screw it elseway it will Become a endless discusion... U made a good guide and ill stick to it with my next character...
Then ill give my opinion again ;)
[url=""]The Flash Signature[/url]
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