'Tis much easier with Shangalar gone. I'm playing on Core rules as well, and the only ones that give me problems are Shangalar and Shyressa. Sunfire works, but there is nothing more pleasing than to kill an enemy with Sunray doing over 1000 damage. I would say that you got lucky with the MoD, but once Shangalar and that ever annoying Shyressa are gone, it's a joke. I lure the fighter into the main room and hes dead in a few seconds, the Pit Fiend kills the other Mage, and I just stand there with the Shield of Balduran and watch the Beholder kill itself. I love that part so much *cry's laughing*.
This is me without the Shield of Balduran: Awww crap, a Beholder...I'm screwed (well sometimes, in the Underdark).
With it? YES! A Beholder! You just stand still and it will eventually turn itself to stone. For a freak with so many eyes, it seems is blind if it doesn't see it's own Flesh to Stone spell reflected back at it.
Anyways, I'm wandering around Brynnlaw as well. This is probably the most boring part of the game right now..
BTW, how many times have you beaten the game?
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
This'll be my third run through, but I hope to finish it this time.
First time out, I basically didn't plan out my party at all. Pretty much, whoever I picked up first stayed. My main character was a thief, with Imoen, Jaheira, Minsc, Aerie and Anomen. Too much thievery, but I was at a decided lack of real spellcasters and only one truly good tank. I think I gave up after entering the Underdark and getting slaughtered by a drow party the fourth time. I remade my party and started over.
Second time out, I decided to plan things out better, and went off with Cernd, Korgan, Viconia, Edwin, and Minsc, and my main character was a Ranger/Cleric. Actually went well, but I finally got a bit bored of it, (I'd been playing for nearly a month straight). Quite around the end of Chapter Six.
This time, I actually plan to do the whole thing. It's summer, I have plenty of time. I'm enjoying myself so far.
When the Armageddon is upon us and Fenris breaks his chains, then Tiamat shall rise up again and devour all life!
So we've been spoiling you to an extent? You should have told us..oh well. If you can, go to to the first post and add (SPOILERS) to the end of the title.
BTW I have had the same experience before as well. I got my Archer to the Underdark, and got trapped in the Illithid city and couldn't kill the Mind Flayers. I was like "oh screw it, I'll just start again". I have completely beaten the game 5 times now, 2 with an Assassin, 1 with a Wizard Slayer, 1 with a Wild Mage, and 1 with an Undead Hunter.
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.
The whole spoiling won;t come into effect until Suldenessellar.
Plus, for me personally, spoilers really only matter if it's plot details. The knowledge that there will be a dragon further up doesn't really bother me. Still, I'll add it if I can
When the Armageddon is upon us and Fenris breaks his chains, then Tiamat shall rise up again and devour all life!
Well, I'm wrapping up Chapter Six, so here's an update.
Just got V back from the Temple of Amaunator, and am taking a last look around Amn before heading off for the Elf City. All of my characters have gotten their first HLAs, so this seems a good time to check up on things.
Damien, Level 18 Sorceror. Has 14% of the Experience and 18% of the kills. Uses Robe of Vecna, Amulet of Power, Staff of Magi. AC -7. For a while in chapter four, Damien had about half the kills, after he got Death Spell but before the levels and magic resistance got too tough. Still my primary spellcaster, finally acquired the Improved Alacrity + Timestop combo, can't wait to try it out. Solid. Biggest Kill: Firkraag.
Korgan, Level 21 Berserker. 44% of the experiences and 41% of the kills. Uses Red Dragon Armor, Water's Talon+4 (Weidu Item Upgrade Scimitar) and Belm, Thaco is -10 and -6 (main and off), AC -9. 155 Hp. This guy is a monster... His Thac0 is incredible, and his damage is impressive. I've been working him up the smite HLAs, but also haven't had a chance to use them much. Best character in the party. Biggest Kill: Bodhi.
Cernd: Level 16 Shapeshifter. (Is there a reason Druid level fifteen takes as long as three other levels to get?). 18% of the experience, 19% of the kills. Is pretty much always shapeshifted. Thac0 4, AC -14. Excellent resists. He's not quite as powerful as Korgan, mostly due to the much inferior Thac0, and his saves which seem to get him confused or held regularly. Excellent tank though, with the best armor in my party. I'll probably replace him with Sarevok, since I suspect in ToB his Thac0 will become a liability. Biggest Kill: Unseeing Eye.
Viconia: Level 22 Cleric. 13% Exp. 9% Kills. Uses Skullcrusher +5 (Weidu Upgrade) and Mace of Disruption +2 coupled with Dragonslayer Shield. Baldurans Armor, Kaliguns Amulet and Ring of Gaxx. Thac0 -3, AC -11. Very nice character, although more specialized. Not sure why her kills are so low. Basically, she's my anti-undead and anti-golem person. With 85% Magic Resistance, I have hopes of making her into a mage slayer extraordinaire. Coupla Questions: Ring of Gaxx and Kaliguns Amulet both give +10% MR a piece, but what other items give it as well? I know Robe of Vecna and Archmagi give it, but both are being used by my casters. Human Skin gives 20%, but It's Ac is only 3, as opposed to Baldurans -1. Is the last 155 of magic resistance worth 4 AC? Or are there other items I can give her to mage up the difference? Biggest Kill: Kangaxx the Demi-Lich
Jan: Level 14 Illusionist, Level 17 Thief. 2% Exp and 3% Kills. Uses Firetooth and Elven Mail +1, as well as all the thief items, (Jansen Gloves, Ring of Mercykiller, Ring of Lockpicks). Thac0 4, AC -4. Hate to say it, but this guy is pretty much useless in combat. He's an excellent thief, but his mage spell level is way to low. (He has two level 7s while my other characters have four level nine slots apiece.) I'm thinking of changing his script to try and use Firetooth more. Questions: Is there any way to decrease his Thac0 some more so that he becomes a decent sniper character? Or should I just get used to the fact that he'll never kill anything... Biggest Kill: Vampire (I think he stole this one from Cernd.)
Edwin: Level 18 Conjuror. 5% xp, 8% Kills. Robe of Evil Archmagi. AC -1. He's a decent back up caster, but with a Sorceror he becomes a bit of a third wheel. Likewise, the lack of Casting Speed reduction items hurts him quite a bit. Still, he casts a fair number of spells, and lets me have 10 Abi-Dalzims instead of 5. Biggest Kill: Ulitharid.
Few questions:
One: When is the best time to do the Watchers Keep? I'd like to do it all in one fell swoop, and was planning to do it soon as I start ToB. Is that too early, too late?
Two: Is there anything I should pick up while I'm in Amn before I head off?
Three: Are there any non-gauntlet ways to improve Jans Thac0?
Four: Are there any non armor and none amulet items that improve MR aside from Ring of Gaxx?
Five: Is Sarevok a good replacement for Cernd, considering that the latter is always shapeshifted?
Comments are always appreciated.
When the Armageddon is upon us and Fenris breaks his chains, then Tiamat shall rise up again and devour all life!
I'm gonna jump back to your question about Viconia...There is the (highlight if you want a spoiler...)Spoiler
Amulet of Seldarine, which you get at the end of SOA
. Also the Shield of the Lost, if you still have it or even got it.
With Jan, his backbone is spells. He almost never hits, so rely on his mediocre spell casting powers. Maybe use Tensor's Transformation to give him a Thac0 of a Fighter half his level (which is considerably better). Unfortunatley, he can't use Necromancy spells, so your best bet would be to have him as a Summoner/Guy who uses area effect spells (Abi-Dazims, Death Fog etc..)
Okay, now to your questions..
1. You can do it whenever you want. My reccomendation is after you (from this point on, anything blanked is a spoiler and you need to highlight it) Spoiler
beat Yaga-Shura
, go and do WK lvls 1-3. Then Spoiler
beat Sendai and Abazigal
and do WK lvls 4-5. Then Spoiler
beat Balthazar
and do the last level, which is the Imprisoned one. I'm not going to give away spoiler details, sorry.
2.I don't know everything you've picked up so I can't really help here. Maybe make sure all of your weapons are forged (Vorpal Sword, Equalizer etc.)
3. Ah, yes there is, but you won't get it for a while. There is Montiollos Cloak. As long as Jan has UAI (use any item), he can equip this. It is in 2 pieces, so you will have to find them.
4.Answered in the first paragraph ^^^.
5.If you don't use the Druid spells, definatley. Sarevok is a way better tank.
Boo will have clean wood shavings you evil bastards! -Minsc
Luke Schenn will make you pregnant with a glance. Caution is advised.