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Aldeth Sashenstar and Merchant Consortium problem

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Aldeth Sashenstar and Merchant Consortium problem

Post by Alcyone »

(Hi, this is my first post, and I'm trying to remain spoiler-free)

I figure you can gather that I'm having a problem with the Merchant Consortium quest. I met up with Aldeth Sashenstar again in Baldur's Gate, and he asked me to follow him into the Merchant's Consortium to investigate the strange goings-on (I already know what the problem is from previous experience with the game, but whatever). In any case, at the time I was dealing with another quest that was far more pressing (i.e. time-based). After that was resolved, I kind of forgot about the quest and did some others. Now I've returned to the Merchant's Consortium, and the door is locked -- not a pickable lock, either.

I've looked through Sword Coast Keeper for possible global variables, but no dice, and I don't entirely understand how those work anyway. Any ideas on how to fix the problem?

Update: I fixed it. Now Scar won't appear so yay. My game is screwed.
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