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Some strange things...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to any of the titles or expansions within Lionhead Studios' Fable series.
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Post by DesR85 »

[QUOTE=Berethor]I noticed this...After you (Highlight to read
beat Jack the second time
, and you talk to the Guildmaster, he doesn't say anything! He just opens his mouth, and closes it. Wierd...[/QUOTE]
Same here. It kind of came as a shock to me after (spoilers, highlight to read)
beating Jack the second time
and suddenly, the Guildmaster went mute. He should've had said, "Well done, Hero!" or something along the lines to conratulate you (spoilers, highlight to read)
upon killing Jack of Blades
. I think they (Lionhead) could've overlooked this part of the game. :D
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Post by InvalidSoul »

same thing here but maybe they 1 Just didn't know what to make him say 2 his mouth and hands moving is a glitch or 3 overlooked like it was just sayed
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Post by matthewd »

I noticed it to i thought it was some glitch in my game or something...
Or lionhead wnet broke and screwed up rest of the game.. thats y the fisherman(at fisherman creeck ) is looking like cookie monster too with two heads
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Post by car_kidz »

I finished a quest, "Bandit Spy Extraction", and this lady said "the blue nymph crouches at quarter past three". What does this mean?

ive heard rumers this is about a nymph queen in (lol i forgot name of village, i think it in last village in tlc or hook coast) and it is very rare and strong, this line is ment to be a hint
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