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Way more fun playing DS then LS

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Post by chrishalomaster »

im in the
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Lyria Savo
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Post by Lyria Savo »

I actually thought dark side was a lot less fun than light side. It was too easy the more powerful you became, and yes, Vrook was the biggest challenge, but I thought the battle was more long than difficult. You also get a lot less story, I think, slaughtering everyone you come across. I had plenty of money playing both sides, so that was never an issue; and really, you don't need all that much in this game as compared to the last one. As for dark side powers, I love them, but by the end of the game, light or dark, I usually have so many force points anyway that I use whatever sides powers I want. The best parts of playing dark side, I thought, are Force Choke because the animation is just too cool looking, and the conversations with HK after gaining high influence.
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Post by bigredpanda »

[QUOTE=Alcina]Knowing the Mods' dislike of starting threads with similar subjects to old ones, I'll hijack this dormant thread to ask a related question:

How well balanced do you reackon KOTOR2 is? IN KOTOR1, DS gave definite benefits, in that you got a lot more XP and a lot more items, as well as some quests.

In KOTOR, do you reckon you would get more XP points if you played purely DS (ie doing as much as possible while never getting a single LS point for any reason) or purely LS. Or is it balanced? Has anyone here ever tried it out?[/QUOTE]

In my experience (I haven't gone as far as writing down stats or anything) KOTOR2 is much more balanced XP-wise.

***Possible Spoiler***

But if you think about it, that makes sense: in KOTOR1, if you played DS you were reconnecting with the old Revan, who was uber-powerful, whilst as LS you were turning away from your former power.
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Post by JJComo »

Dark Side...? I don't think so Tim.

I've yet to experience the dark side in this second installment of KotOR. I currently play a 15 consulor/6 Jedi Master with light mastery. In my opinion the light side is more powerful than the dark side. Dark side powers are useless against a Jedi whose ability scores are all higher than 25 and is protected by force absorbtion, energy shields, knight speed, knights valor, etc.... With releatively good melee feats I'd take on Sith any day.


I'm not completely biased. I conquered the first KotOR as a Sith, and enjoyed it quite thoroughly.

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Post by mydevil1 »

dark side way easy

the dark side is heaps easier
i have played through peragus and citadel station and am now on telos and havnt upgraded a level yet im still level1 and basically havnt died
its just too easy and i havnt got any force powers at all
just pure darkside strength
but its heaps of fun
my facial features had been commented on once i got to citadel im evil :D hehe
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Post by (old)Mandalore »

Yah I've never really played as DS I started to in KotOR 1 but I didn't like what you did to your friends :angel: I think it will be easy for me to play KotOR 2 as DS because it's so so so................FUN! :angry: see what i mean? You get to beat up the dumb jedi that want to remove your force powers but I hate to kill the one from onderon but again you can kill all those dummies or get more money or get alternate characters plus it's just plain and simple if you want to explore all the storylines and all that good stuff and killing weaklings you don't get yelled at by Kriea.:laugh:
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Post by wing »

mine glitches when i do DS. (then again im only on my second DS character) and i always hav liked the stasis field/destroy droid lightside powers. force wave is one of my favorites but its universal.
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Post by Sith Commando »

the only thing I dont like about dark side is that everyone in my party becomes dark too. Bao-dur looks like darth maul, handmaiden looks like a goth, atton looks someone how hasn`t slept in 2 years, mira... I dont really notice any change in her. visas just gets a whiter face, I wish they wouldn`t change or I would like it alot better.
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Post by Black Elf »

I like DS over LS because the cool things you can do (eg the mandalorian merc at Dantoine: Force persuation: "Give me your gun!" Reply: "I'll give you my gun." "Give me your credits." Reply: "I'll give you my credits."...
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Post by Leet »

Ds Ls

I find the Ds Story more fun and exiting, In Kotor 1 Ds is harder on the star forge in kotor 2 i found Ds easier then light side but either i like both but Ds has somtin exiting abotu wich Ls doesnt
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Post by Alcina »

[QUOTE=Sith Commando] mira... I dont really notice any change in her.[/QUOTE]

I think she gets darker red hair, more eyemakeup and a sulkier expression...
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Post by Johnny »

I've played once on Dark Side and didn't notice it to be any easier than the light side. You pretty much have to do most of the quests the same way (the light/dark choices usually come at the end of a quest, whereupon you decide whether or not to screw the questgiver over).

Force Storm is indeed overpowered, but combat in KOTOR2 is easy anyway, so it's nice to have a power that ends the fight sooner. Even as a LS character I take this power; well worth the high cost.
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Post by Vega »

DS is fun, but its also harder to gain influence with your characters. (unless your talking to Hanharr or HK, Mandalore isnt as evil as they.

LS can be fun too. In KotOR 2, i think the LS ending is better, the DS one is like. um ok wtf now?
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