[QUOTE=Demon_Eyes_Kyo]i tryd ur mod, and all i tried was whispers staff, and when i take it out i cant move or hit things, but if i put it away i can move again...[/QUOTE]
That's a little problem with staves, you aren't supposed to use them at all, so there aren't any animations or anything for the player...
[QUOTE=swcarter]The search feature is your friend.[/QUOTE]
I'm back, been busy with my new job and such lately
To install, all you need is Fable Tool, [url="http://fabletlcmod.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=317&start=0&"]here's[/url] a place where you can download and learn to use that program
[QUOTE=swcarter]The search feature is your friend.[/QUOTE]
and btw,your mod works on older saves you can get the weapons from any chest that hasnt been open,and the chests that you created with your mod will apear!
right,im of to check it out ill report any problems
Hey guys, it's me . Sorry I haven't been around for so long, but what with school and work and a lack of having fable installed anymore... It's kinda hard to get work done on my mod. Good news though, I do have pics of the chest locations, putting them up today, but i doubt I'll be able to do much more on this mod in the future, at least until x-mas break sorry guys!
[QUOTE=swcarter]The search feature is your friend.[/QUOTE]