iv always wondered, in fights like the battle circle and training with handmaidens on telos if you could use force push or force wave to make them fall out of the area, and then they automatically lose for going outside of the place. Does anyone know?
When a few people die, it's a tragedy. When thousands do, it's a statistic.
no because you can't use force powers or you yourself will get disqualified. i don't think it works anyway. It would be a good idea though if it weren't for that
nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. See that's the part where you jump out and go "AAAAHH!!!!!!!" when people don't know you're there.
actually on 2 of the battle circle fights you have the option of using the force. also, i thought about it more, and if you read the description on the power attacks it says you can knock them back, so maybe that would do it.
When a few people die, it's a tragedy. When thousands do, it's a statistic.
actually, you choose the conditions in one. in the last battle the guy you're against wants to fight you with all your powers, force and lightsaber included. i like that guy.
When a few people die, it's a tragedy. When thousands do, it's a statistic.
I don't know about the Mandalorian battle circle (though I imagine that it would work), but I do know you can do that for the Handmaidens. Disqualifying two or three of the handmaidens is the only way I've ever beaten all five of them.
[QUOTE=Wolf Howl]I doubt they would just walk out of the ring.that would be a bit cheap don't you think?[/QUOTE]
Agreed. I know that the AI in the game is kind of simple but not that stupid. More likely he'll pound you to bits if you try something like that.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
No, they will do that. I`ve done it lots of times; especially with kelborn.
After the darkness calls my name,I slowly lose my sense of self, If I don`t awaken from this hell, then all I am will cease to be.
- Bradley Piorkowski
You would probably only be able to pull off that trick if the opponent changed the rules and allowed you to use your Force. Normal matches however do not allow you to use your Force.
no, I just walk right up to them, they back up, I walk up to them again, and they back up, so on and so forth until they walk out of the ring.
After the darkness calls my name,I slowly lose my sense of self, If I don`t awaken from this hell, then all I am will cease to be.
- Bradley Piorkowski