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Some Switch-Out Advice

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Some Switch-Out Advice

Post by Hill-Shatar »

Though I'm sure people know that if I'm speaking of party switchouts spoilers (if there are any) will be involved, I suppose following the safe side and announcing spoilers at the top her would be alright.

After doing a quick run around of the available threads, I've decided just to lump these two questions into a post and go along with it, even though I'm sure you're all sick and tired of party questions.

I'm still fairly early on in the game. I played up a bit in it, but started over in distaste of my original mage.

Currently, I have two characters in my party, Yoshimo and Anomen, that I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with. With Yoshimo, whenever I use him in a thief capacity, he consistently overlooks traps, can't open simple locked chests, and is fairly useless as a front lines person in combat, requiring healing a lot earlier than even Jaheira. I think skipping out on Nalia might have been a bad move here, and I've even gone so far to consider tossing in Jan if his theiving skills are better. If Imoen does come back later in the game, I'll be replacing either one anyways with her. :rolleyes:

When it comes to Anomen, I just find him annoying. While he certainly serves as a good tank and packhorse, I still find some of his roles redundant with Aerie and Jaheira. While he seems to level up quickly, I'm not sure if it's best to switch him out with Keldorn, who I've been sent to retrieve. I've a friend who's recommended him or Mazzy, because of something that Keldorn has that starts with "c". I have to admit, having an archer wouldn't be that bad either, when it comes to Mazzy.

I know it's a Roleplaying game and I should figure this out by myself, but I can't help but for checking for advice. I'm a weinie, you see, and since I have no love for any of these four characters as of yet, I really have not problem with turning them down or forcing them to leave anyways.
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Post by fable »

Myself, I'd drop the annoying, incompetent Yoshimo for Jan, who has many fine skills, and is quite clever. I'd also drop the super-annoying Anomen for a pair of shoelaces, who would automatically possess more personality.

But if you have a problem locating a pair of shoelaces in BG2, consider Jaheira (fighter/druid), a few excellent spells, a fine fighter, and an interesting character.

And be sure to check out the party NPC mods available here. Especially Kelsey and Keto, though they aren't substitutes for either clerics or flighters.
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Post by Raven_Song »

I'd replace Yoshimo with Jan. You lose a pure thief but you gain a perfectly adequate thief who can also act as a support caster.

Unmodded/SK'd Nalia should never be considered as a thief, she should be played as a mage with some of the benefits of the thief class.

Not knowing the composition of the rest of your party makes it difficult to comment on Anomen. Perhaps you could post it?

Do you have another source of helaing? If so I would suggest a switch with Mazzy, but that is based purely on personal preference, my reactions to each NPC's personality as opposed to their abilities.

Keldorn is seen as the more powerful of the two, but I find Mazzy the more flexible of the two. Like I said it really depends on the rest of your party.


Fable is "interesting character", in relation to Jaheira, by any chance a euphamism for nagging harpy?
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

Thanks, fable, while I'm not exactly searching for a flighter in any form, I am quite happy to say that I already have Jaheira in good form as a fighter, she just tends to be the focus of trouble for me in my own individual game and has a personal magnetism when it comes to a variety of people, monsters and assorted agitated fauna. I mean Nalia to replace Yoshimo, and thanks Raven for reminding me that she is a mage first anf foremost, second, third, fourth, and fifth, and that thief rides a distant sixth.

I'm happy to say that I had already decided, although rather half heartedly, to remove Yoshimo and seek Jan, who seems to be a far more interesting character, and probably far less inept. While having him on my team is fine, this means another spell caster on my team, and having only Jaheira and Minsc, if I decide on Mazzy or not, as those to face the enemy head on, does not make me particularily happy.

Ah, well, I originally had in mind a full team of casters before I thought I should try something more traditional for my first tries, so no problems, overall. Since Mazzy should cover the archer role I've been seeking nicely, I'm fine with that. I'd like to mention that I'm going to go through once or twice unmodded, than add a few of the ones I see recommended. ;)

However, fable, if you had to replace that spot with someone else, would you chose Keldorn or Mazzy? At this time, I'm not trying to get more EXP for single characters for a few more levels but having a well diversified team that can provide a few more targets for the enemy on the field.


As per request:

Main character: Mage
Minsc (not changing)
Jaheira (nc)
Aerie (nc)
Yoshimo (soon to be Jan)
Anomen (soon to be Keldorn or Mazzy)

Once again, I agree with the Yoshimo part and will not be sad to see him go. I also know who peeves off who when I did research for a friend, the same one who recommended me these characters, before I got the game, and since I want to keep Aerie around, I know Korgan's out of the picture, who I never really wanted anyways. Mazzy sounds like the best all around, but Keldorn sounds intersting to.

I have multiple sources, through Aerie and Jahiera, for healing, but Anomen has been useful as a powerhouse and for his rather wider range of spells available. He has not been serving much of a healing capacity, but having a character who does heal is one I don't mind having.

I have to admit, I'm leaning towards Mazzy, but from what I remember, getting it is a little harder than getting Keldorn.
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Post by fable »

However, fable, if you had to replace that spot with someone else, would you chose Keldorn or Mazzy? At this time, I'm not trying to get more EXP for single characters for a few more levels but having a well diversified team that can provide a few more targets for the enemy on the field.

Mazzy, from a character point of view. Keldorn, if you need a tank on point.
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Post by Hill-Shatar »

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Post by dragon wench »

Yes, definitely Mazzy!
She's a very nice shot with the bow, has a great AC, and with one of the many strength enhancing items available she can actually make a pretty good tank.
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