This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
-So, where could I find Maximus Clavius so I can complete my quest?
-Yes, you can find him in his house, just over the mountains.
That particular phrase "just over the mountains" has become a living joke between me and my friend. Especially since over the mountains can mean practically anything considering the MW AI.
Have you guys encountered dumb instructions or bits of INFORMATION that actually helps none whatsoever?
Remember, put a spoiler before giving accuate locations to anything in this thread.
As for me, I can't begin to tell you how many times I was told a given stronghold was northwest, when it was east, or a certain person was in a given city, when they were in an entirely different one. The problem apparently was that the game's so big, and not all members of the team managed to get these details worked out before release. Which leads me to wonder why they couldn't have been repaired in subsequent patches. Perhaps the hard code is just *too* hard, if you follow me: unchangeable because it would affect too many other things.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I can't believe how vague instructions and directions are in this game , it doesn't help that the journal is contains very little information that is often vital to quests.
The absolute very least people could do, is instead of giving directions, is reveal that segment of map so it's easier to find things.
Warning: logic and sense is replaced by typos and errors after 11pmSpoiler
Heh, this reminds me of one of the quests of Fighters Guild, where I had to find some specific cave/ruin (sorry, can't remember the name anymore). THe instructions were just "Northeast from the city, over the mountains". I used nearly 12 hours to explore the are in that direction, after the mountains and even in the mountains, but never found the place. Reason why I stopped playing with my Fighter -type character and moved to Mage -type character
And the point of this post? Those bad directions may ruin the game totally, when you aren't able to find the place needed in quests...
"As we all know, holy men were born during Christmas...
Like mr. Holopainen over there!" - Marco Hietala, the bass player of Nightwish
I'm not sure if this quest is from one of the many mods I have installed as I didn't get it in an unmodded game but the directions summed up perfectly what directions are like in this game and even made a joke of it. I was asked to go to a daedric shrine to get some flowers and the woman giving it told me to go east, then changed her mind and said west then changed her mind again and said its definately east lol.
@ Mr Sir. I hated that one. You're meant to go north east. I went to the wrong ruin which was directly east.
[url=""]Uvirith Awakes[/url] - Please leave comments, all help is appreciated.