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Detect Creatures Potion bug...(SPOILERS)

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Detect Creatures Potion bug...(SPOILERS)

Post by Starrakatt »

HI! First post! (I'm more a reader than a writer)

Now, I have a problem with the Detect Creatures Potion mission from Edwinna Elbert. She never gave me the mission (I completed all of the other duties she have for me) and the guy in Sadrith Mora's Mage Guild just keep saying that he's making the potion for her so he can't give me other duties... duties that I must do to progress in the guild.

So, that's it, I'm stuck there. Any help would be much welcome :p

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Post by Deadalready »

Have you tried sleeping first or just coming back after a full day? I think it took a while for me to get that potion too.
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Post by mr_sir »

A certain amount of time has to pass, i think its 1 full day, before he can give you the potion as he has to brew it first. Just go exploring for a bit and then try again :)
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Post by Starrakatt »

Did some days of exploring, then tried to sleep a full 24 hours, still didn't work.
BtW, I effectively did every quest Edwinna had to throw at me, she just, well, 'forgot' to give me the afore mentioned quest.
On the other hand, it is just for me or you don't have to do all the mage guild quests to become archmage? Trebonius just offered me to a fight in the arena, so I'm just curious.

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Post by mr_sir »

It sounds like its a glitch in your game then. What mods are you using? Have you fully patched the game? Also, have you tried using the console to give your character the potion and then take it to Edwinna to see if that triggers the completion of that quest so Skink will give you quests?
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Post by Starrakatt »

The mods are better bodies, better heads, clothiers of Vvarfendel & real singposts. Where can I find the item code and how do this on the console, because I'm not familiar with the procedure...

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Post by mr_sir »

I've looked in the construction set and can't find a special potion so I think it must just be a normal potion of detect creature, in which case you can get it by opening the console (on my keyboard it is the ¬ key, to the left of the 1 key) and typing:

player->additem "p_detect_creatures_s" 1

then press enter then close the console. You should now have a detect creatures potion. Try giving it to Edwinna and see if it works. If not, then I'm out of ideas but someone that knows more about the console and the construction set etc. may have some other ideas.

Edit: The console is not case-sensitive so it doesn't matter if you use capitals when typing the above.

Edit 2: I've had another idea. You could try using the console to give the topic to skink so he gives you the potion and then go to Edwinna and give her the topic too and give her the potion:

Go to Skink and open the console then click on Skink. Type AddTopic “Detect Creatures Potion” then press enter and then talk to Skink and choose the topic you have added. He should give you the potion. Now go to Edwinna and open the console. Click on Edwinna then type AddTopic “Detect Creatures Potion” and press enter. Close the console, speak to her and select the topic and you should give her the potion. That should complete that quest so you can now go back to Skink and get his quests.
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Post by wing »

Starrakatt wrote: On the other hand, it is just for me or you don't have to do all the mage guild quests to become archmage? Trebonius just offered me to a fight in the arena, so I'm just curious.

personally, i never do the quests that (insert name of quest-giver in balmora guild thats not ajira here) gives, and iv been archmage a few times. also, i never did trebonius's quests. nor did he ask me to fight. i just said "advancement" and he said "We're both Archmage now."
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Post by mr_sir »

You don't have to do all the quests to become archmage, just enough for advancement. Also, if you can challenge the current Archmage then thats all you need to do to become Archmage - you can also choose to have two archmages. I tend to do all the quests though but thats just the way I like to do things. There is no reason why you have to do them all so if the console commands don't help you get past your glitch you can at least still become Archmage :)
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Post by Starrakatt »

Mphhh... When I add the needed topic to Skink the console confirm it but lizard does'nt add it to his speech.
I think I'll go for the archmage thing with Trebonius and say the case is closed. That scaly I-can't-do-two-things-at-the-same-time character was beginning to annoy me prodigiously anyway. :o

Big thanks for the help, even if it did'nt work: I did learn a bit about the console!

Edit:HA-HA!!! It added to Eldwinna: the quest is done! The lizard still annoy me, tough... :)

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