Here's what happened, i played through the game and beat the part where i rescue the archeologist the second time (i have beat game 3 times), anyways, up til then my guy was pure range, lvl 7 speed, accurace, mana, health, and guilde, lvl 1 lightning, human sheild, and multi arrow...everything else was 0...then i decided to max out my strength stats (i had plenty of xp) all strength and skill stats were 7...i had been using human sheild as much as possible in the game, so i only had a couple scratches on my guy. then i went to witchwood stones and this is when the problems occured...
i was stuck at this, no matter what i did, if i just talked to someone, or left the region my guy would automatically have shrivelled up shoulders, chest and back, and a rinkled forehead (not cause of the age, he's only 35 cause i am 18 years younger then i'm supposed to be)'s the weird part. If i started running his scars are shrivels would disappear...then reappear..
this must be a glitch...has anyone else had this problem? or is it something simple and i'm stupid? please help, i want my guy to be scar free.
game glitch?
Sorry. Never had this problem before.
Maybe you can try to reload a previous save to see if works or not. I suggest going for a trainer or a mod if you want your character to be scar-free. 
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
i came across this once. i think it's because yer hero might be a mana user, and ranged like u said but this also is the type of skills Maze uses, and my hero tends to look liek him at various moments. sry that i cant be of more help then just letting ya know u aint alone on this "glitch" lol.
You cannot kill what you didnot create. :mischief:
I dont have this glitch, but my hero has an old appearance as well. Must be because i am 65 years old. However, all of a sudden i had a beard when going with the drowned boat quest and my hair was different. Its logical to get a beard after a long trip, but i never needed to shave in the game before...
- Nothing Is Ever Easy -
thanks matthew i'll try cleaning the disc...
ya, u don't have to shave in the game, the only times ur guy grows hair is during the save scarlet robe quest when you spend a year in prison and when u do the ship of the drowned quest.
@bandit, your guy actually looks like maze?
btw, my guy is a "knight".....
ya, u don't have to shave in the game, the only times ur guy grows hair is during the save scarlet robe quest when you spend a year in prison and when u do the ship of the drowned quest.
@bandit, your guy actually looks like maze?
btw, my guy is a "knight".....