Thanks fable! Also, apologies to those spammers who did not pick up the no spamminess that was supposed to be implied. It's been way too long since I started a thread here and I forgot that you have to beat spam off with a lead pipe.
We have some very different opinions here, and I would say they are mostly well thought out and well founded. I don't share them all, but that's okay.
I may have forgotten to mention that you can include more personal aspects that make you like one president or another. For instance, in addition to the points -- that I completely agree with -- fable pointed out about George Washington; I also like him because he was a Mason, and a friend of one of my favorite French men, Lafayette. He also warned us about a lot of the problems our country faces -- partisan politics in particular. I really enjoy the paintings of him laying the cornerstone of the White House in a Masonic ceremony.
Without picking a fight, I must say that
I like Reagan, and to a much lesser extent Nixon. I do respect anyone who has a beef with either of them because I agree that they both had serious downfalls. Perhaps fable can change my mind as he probably remembers the Teflon President far better than me, and I wasn't even born when tricky Dicky was in office.
In reference to Clinton. He was a decent president, though I don't think he really did anything to make it to a best list. From what I have heard, he was a bit cautious and his adminitration had opportunities to nab or kill bin Laden like seven times and didn't. That's not good, but not bad enough to make my worst list.
I'm not a fan of Johnson(andrew, that is) because of his interpretation of the powers of the president. He's not on my worst list either though. I would expect liberals to choose him in a best list though and don't have much problem with that.
I like Truman too, and I think he's a great pick. Hadn't really thought of him before.
I don't like Carter's presidency. I don't think he was that effective and his personality grates on me. After his presidency, however, he has been a powerhouse and totally deserves recognition. I don't like him much though during his presidency.
I don't have any problems with Bush Sr. and in fact like him, but I don't put him near the top.
Kennedy is actually in my worst list. Not just because of his party affiliation either, though that's part of it. Part of it is that I really despise his home state. I can't stand his personality or accent. His wife wasn't nearly as charming as people make her out to be(though better than any other first lady I've yet seen). I basically boil the Kennedy administration down into several high and low points. The Space Program(high), Bay of Pigs(Low, though I don't totally blame him), Cuban Missile Crisis(High, although I don't know how else a president would handle that situation), and Escapades(Low, philandering and other such activities unbefitting of the leader of the free world). It's a shame he was assasinated and I certainly don't wish that on him. I think history would not look so kindly on him had he lived for his whole term. (I'm sure to take flack for that one, but I've always felt this way)
I agree that Jackson was a tyrant, though it pains me to say such a thing about a Brother Mason. He's regrettably in my bottom five.
Buchanon, Grant, and Harding show up on most people's lists. For good reason too. I think there are others I dislike more, but they're good picks. I also went to a terrible prison of a middle school for half a year called Warren G. Harding Middle school. That sours his name a bit for me.
Dubya sure. I don't think he's on my bottom five because there are a few things he's said or done that I liked. I fully expect most democrats to pick him though, and he's not a good president. Certainly unpopular, and even though there is a value to being independant of opinion polls; an elected official owes it to his constituents to at least pay passing attention to them occasionally.
Sooo.. Yeah. Anyone with a little time want to tally the nominations so far?
I don't have the time to post my lists yet, but there are a couple that haven't been mentioned yet.
A brief addition: *dons asbestos suit* FDR is on my worst list. I don't want to go into detail as I'll end up on a conservative tirade the likes of which most of you have never seen(fable, DW, and Magrus being notable exceptions). He did help pull us out of a depression, but I think his approach was akin to ending a house's termite problem by burning down the house. He was, IMHO, responsible for creating a mentality that is harmful to the nation. Perhaps a bit more on this later.
Teddy Roosevelt is one of my faves though. Perhaps for no good reason.