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Help! Encountered the Strike Bug!!

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Help! Encountered the Strike Bug!!

Post by jkhristian »

Is there anyway I can lower my strike? Its too high now and I've got the bug and can't hardly hit anything anymore. I am very far into the game and really don't want to have to start over again.
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Post by Ganthan »

You could try using the character editor found in this forum. However, in order to use it you must first find, download and install Microsoft NetFramework 2.0.

Then once you open the editor you can load the save game file and manually lower your dex a little bit to bring strike back to 99 or less. Once you start the game back up the strike value won't automatically be lowered. You must force the game to recalculate your strike by either raising dex one last point or just simply reequipping something with a strike bonus.

I must also warn you that using the editor at all will likely bring down the value of your experience level, though you needn't worry because it won't reduce your character's skills and powers at all.
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Post by Iceman1963 »

Use the Editor

I have never encountered the strike bug... Does it even exist in 1.5 at all? I have had my strike up too 150 with the magical assists from like armor and weapons and such.. But still never had a problem hitting anything in front of me within my strike range. I would like to know how high your strike was when you encountered the problem.
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Post by Tiefling »

Iceman1963 wrote:I have never encountered the strike bug... Does it even exist in 1.5 at all? I have had my strike up too 150 with the magical assists from like armor and weapons and such.. But still never had a problem hitting anything in front of me within my strike range. I would like to know how high your strike was when you encountered the problem.
I think the strike bug get's in action after you passed 100 at strike.It's funny because i think the bug calculates your last 2 numbers wich in this case are 00-so you can;t even hit the earth. :D
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Post by Planet_Guardian »

Iceman1963 wrote:I have never encountered the strike bug... Does it even exist in 1.5 at all? I have had my strike up too 150 with the magical assists from like armor and weapons and such.. But still never had a problem hitting anything in front of me within my strike range. I would like to know how high your strike was when you encountered the problem.
You never hear any clinking noises? Do you ever see a whiff of smoke when you hit the enemies' AC Armor? That's what I always saw with my 4 characters who have strike above 100. I have one character Lv80 Human Female with a Dexterity of 114 and a Strike of about 136 with heraldries, and +strike items...and she will still miss quite often. I mean, whiffing at rats, bats, and goblins just ain't right. You know what I mean?

I would say the strike bug is a difinite thing in version 1.5CE, imho. But, maybe I got one of those copies of DL that were just bugged? ;) Probably not, but'cha never know.

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Post by Iceman1963 »

Yeah I see one whiff of smoke out of maybe 20 or so rats or bats if I am using a melee weapon instead of a ranged weapon or spell... but other things like theives tend to fall like wheat at my feet and goblins I can hit sometimes 2 with one swing of a long pole... So if that little tink or whiff of smoke is the strike bug you all are referring too it's not really a problem at all where as my charcters I am using hardly ever encounter it very often.
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Post by Cauchemar »

strike bug
Tiefling wrote:I think the strike bug get's in action after you passed 100 at strike.It's funny because i think the bug calculates your last 2 numbers wich in this case are 00-so you can;t even hit the earth. :D
I've been testing this problem out, however my conclusions so far have not proven that this is the case. I have had 102 strike on my character and hit with it just fine. I have also tried with having 293 strike and 3 strike (edited dexterity to 255 and 1 respectively.) It seemed to me, that 3 strike was quite accurate and 293 strike was just the opposite. :confused: I mean, with 293 strike, i was seeing parry dust clouds on 49 out of 50 swings. :laugh: I really think there are some things that need fixed in the game - and strike would probably be at the top of my list.
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Post by soupaman1 »

i think i may know whats wrong, i have had a few encoounters with this bug, its ni biggy.

1. if you edited your stats, the game sees that you have that lvl of whatever you edited, it just does not know you have gotten that lvl, so just edit you adv points and your stat so that you have enough adv points to advance the edited skill 1 lvl in the game so the game knows you have that lvl.

2. just save your game and reload.

3. if it happened and you did not edit your stats and reloading did not work, you have to deal with it untill you are able to lvl your combat skills, usually the highest (heavy weapns) skill will take the strike bug away so that you can once again hit.

these are what i did to overcome the strke bug, and yes it exists in ver. 1.5, this is the version i got it in. i hope it helps if not, you might just have to restart, srry.
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Post by Cauchemar »

i'm not sure what kind of bug you were referring to, but what i just described was essentially when i had a lower dex and strike, i was hitting more often than when i had a high dex and strike. i tried it at other values and got the same results. i even tried changing what lvl i was and still got same results. something tells me they've got the strike value reversed somehow. :(

still, if you're training it manually i doubt you'd have anything to worry about, since you don't really lose much accuracy till you're far over 100 strike.

btw, in case anyone is wondering the version i'm using, its 1.5 CE.

another thing, the editor i'm using is slightly bugged, which might be part of it, i can't change my advancement points, all that does is change my main level. changing main level exp doesn't effect anything ingame for me... :(
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