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Concentration, CON stat, and Armored Arcana

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Concentration, CON stat, and Armored Arcana

Post by probe53 »

If you plan to invest some stats in CON and boost concentration, do you still need to use Armored Arcana? Is that skills in your opinion a good addon or only needed if you dont boost CON and/or concentration?

what about the effectiveness of Combat Casting and Discipline?
Are those better add-ons, one or the other or both, with or without ARmored Arcana?
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Post by Jelaweb »

Armoured Arcana does not affect Concentration. It is also not required for divine casters. It is useful for arcane casters who wear light armour - it saves having to swap the armour out every time you cast a spell (I've recently been daft enough to try casting while carrying a shield - which Armoured Arcana will also help with).

Concentration is used when trying to cast spells while being attacked - not so important for those casters who stay out of harms way, but always useful if you get caught by an area effect spell in the middle of casting.
Certain spells, like Sunfire, require you to be close to your enemies - this is an example of where Concentration may be required.

There are differing views about Combat Casting (I have had a debate with someone about this, who doesn't think it is ever needed). I generally only give it to spellcasters who are going to be casting spells near the enemy (like Sunfire). Nothing is more annoying that spell disruption in the heat of battle... well maybe your most dangerous character dying...
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Post by kmonster »

I don't recommend using any of those feats, you can take far better ones (elemental feats or greater spell focusses for example).

"Combat Casting" and "Discipline" become useless once your concentration gets high enough to auto-succeed unless you get a critical failure. My casters didn't get disrupted during the later parts of the game.
"Armored Arcana" is only useful with shields, the armor spell is superior to leather and you can't wear both robes and armor at the same time.
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