Now on Monday arfternoon I was stripping paint off some reused timber window frames when I noticed one of my two cats (Aeriel - 'Chunky' Tabby and possibly deceitfully thick as two short planks, & Rainbow - Tiny cute patchy white and tabby psychopathic killer and alpha cat) staring at the veranda roof. When I looked I was just in time to see a python (or possibly a green tree snake) disappear into my roof. It slithered around up there a bit provoking mild interest from the kitties, but when I remonstrated them about their shortcomings they appeared both unconcerned and unrepentant. I last heard evidence of it on Tuesday night and was hoping it hadn't taken up residence.
Well this morning, Aeriel was showing some interest in under the Piano. Both cats had been on the bed (by the piano) all night. So I moved the piano out from the wall. Lo and behold there is the snake that got in on Monday arvo.
The 'girls' were interested but didn't seem to want to press the issue, so in disgust I caught the bloody thing and relocated it back into the bush. I did this barefoot in my dressing gown.
I now look scornfully at the kitties and berate them with "Call yourself an apex predator", "Sure poor defenceless little birdies and mice, need some REAL work done and where are you?" (Rainbow was notably absent during the tricky bit of the capture) and similar epitaphs.
Hang on I'm dressed in a robe talking to my cats. Ah.... can we just pretend this never happened.
So have you any tales of your encounters with our reptile brothers?
If so here is a handy Herpetology thread (No that isn't what you get when you've been shut in a thread with Waverly). - Curdis !