Review the last movie you saw....
- Siberys
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Review the last movie you saw....
....and it doesn't even have to be a new movie. Alright ladies and gents, any movie that you recently saw and got a feel for, go ahead and give your opinion for it. Whether you have a long and detailed synopsis of why it was good, or you wanna say it "just plain sucked," it's all welcome here.
To get things going, the last two movies I saw, one was decent and the other is still a classic.
The first movie- Click
It is a movie with adam sandler using a remote control to pause events, fast forward through boring family meals, replay memories, and slap David Hasslehoff in the face. Sounds like another boring adam sandler movie right? Nah, I liked this one and have to say it's one of his better movies.
For one, this movie has an actual moral Value behind it, unlike Mr. Deeds or Billy Madison for example, it gets in a sense of humor and comedy, all this time relaying a message to the viewer, don't let life go by too fast.
For having some decency in the movie, getting a happy ending that makes sense with a decent twist at the end, and having some actual funny humor in it, I'd give this movie a 3.5 / 5. Again, this is better than most sandler movies, but it still has that weird sandler sense of humor that I don't like all that much. Still, nicely done though.
The other movie- The Crow.
Ahh what a beautiful movie, when I hear of a movie about revenge, I don't want complex plans and thoughts, I don't want to see the main character who is out for revenge struggle with how he should go about it, if you want revenge, then bloody do it. The Crow delivered this with a great sense of urban street crime.
For those who haven't seen it, A woman, Shelly Webster was murdered by four perverts on devils night (the day before halloween). Devils night is notorious in the set town as one of the most dangerous nights to even leave your door unlocked, and when Eric, the main character comes home to find his soon to be wed brutally beaten and raped, he is immediately killed off by the four men who raped Shelly.
However, his soul wouldn't rest, and a legend about how every crow carries a soul, and sometimes that soul will be reincarnated for a single purpose, comes true. Eric comes back to life, he digs himself out of his grave, and immediately goes off to find the four men he remembers before the time of his death.
I won't reveal any more of the plot for those who haven't seen it, but you get the general idea of the movie. (Btw, it looks like I said a lot, but that's basically the first 15 minutes of the movie).
I've watched this movie countless times, I saw it when I was six and didn't understand it at all, but later when I still had an interest for it, I watched it again when I was fourteen and at least once a month or two from then on, one of my personal favorites, I give an all out 5 / 5 for this masterpiece.
Now as I said, ANY movie is possible, not just 2006 and up, as I did just rate a movie from the 90's. Go for what you saw, go ahead and rate a movie as old as "the count of monte christo" if you want, if that's what you saw, threads all yours.
To get things going, the last two movies I saw, one was decent and the other is still a classic.
The first movie- Click
It is a movie with adam sandler using a remote control to pause events, fast forward through boring family meals, replay memories, and slap David Hasslehoff in the face. Sounds like another boring adam sandler movie right? Nah, I liked this one and have to say it's one of his better movies.
For one, this movie has an actual moral Value behind it, unlike Mr. Deeds or Billy Madison for example, it gets in a sense of humor and comedy, all this time relaying a message to the viewer, don't let life go by too fast.
For having some decency in the movie, getting a happy ending that makes sense with a decent twist at the end, and having some actual funny humor in it, I'd give this movie a 3.5 / 5. Again, this is better than most sandler movies, but it still has that weird sandler sense of humor that I don't like all that much. Still, nicely done though.
The other movie- The Crow.
Ahh what a beautiful movie, when I hear of a movie about revenge, I don't want complex plans and thoughts, I don't want to see the main character who is out for revenge struggle with how he should go about it, if you want revenge, then bloody do it. The Crow delivered this with a great sense of urban street crime.
For those who haven't seen it, A woman, Shelly Webster was murdered by four perverts on devils night (the day before halloween). Devils night is notorious in the set town as one of the most dangerous nights to even leave your door unlocked, and when Eric, the main character comes home to find his soon to be wed brutally beaten and raped, he is immediately killed off by the four men who raped Shelly.
However, his soul wouldn't rest, and a legend about how every crow carries a soul, and sometimes that soul will be reincarnated for a single purpose, comes true. Eric comes back to life, he digs himself out of his grave, and immediately goes off to find the four men he remembers before the time of his death.
I won't reveal any more of the plot for those who haven't seen it, but you get the general idea of the movie. (Btw, it looks like I said a lot, but that's basically the first 15 minutes of the movie).
I've watched this movie countless times, I saw it when I was six and didn't understand it at all, but later when I still had an interest for it, I watched it again when I was fourteen and at least once a month or two from then on, one of my personal favorites, I give an all out 5 / 5 for this masterpiece.
Now as I said, ANY movie is possible, not just 2006 and up, as I did just rate a movie from the 90's. Go for what you saw, go ahead and rate a movie as old as "the count of monte christo" if you want, if that's what you saw, threads all yours.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
I just watched today "The Island".
It's a movie about a group of people who live in a facility but there's more to it than meets the eye... I'm not going to spoil anything. It's a bit similar to A.I and Matrix but only it's better. It's a pretty good movie, worth watching.
"Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans chest"
There's a good movie too if you're into pirate movies. Good humour all a round and action, quality stuff. Nice twist at the end too. But you're probably already seen it.
It's a movie about a group of people who live in a facility but there's more to it than meets the eye... I'm not going to spoil anything. It's a bit similar to A.I and Matrix but only it's better. It's a pretty good movie, worth watching.
"Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Mans chest"
There's a good movie too if you're into pirate movies. Good humour all a round and action, quality stuff. Nice twist at the end too. But you're probably already seen it.
"The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions. The hypothalamus controls the "Four F's": 1. fighting; 2. fleeing; 3. feeding; and 4. mating."
The last movie I watched, is it? Oh well, its Call of Duty....oh wait, make that Saving Private Ryan I watched yesterday afternoon.
Quite a good war drama and have very intense battles. Kudos to Steven Spielberg on this movie. I wouldn't mind watching it again though the part where body parts fly around and guts spilling out does make me slightly nauseous.
Speaking of which, Saving Private Ryan is the movie that spawned the World War 2 genre with famous titles like the Medal of Honour series, the Call of Duty series and the Brothers in Arms series. Played them all myself, except the Brothers in Arms series, that is.
Speaking of which, Saving Private Ryan is the movie that spawned the World War 2 genre with famous titles like the Medal of Honour series, the Call of Duty series and the Brothers in Arms series. Played them all myself, except the Brothers in Arms series, that is.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- TheMovieman
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Apocalypse Now - Never seen it before mainly because I only owned the Redux version and didn't have the time or didn't feel like spending 3+ hours and later I wanted to see the original. Anyways, I got the Complete Dossier (great DVD set, btw, except they didn't include the "Hearts of Darkness" feature-length making-of documentary) and it's just a great movie all around.
Movieman's Guide to the Movies Forums
- Hill-Shatar
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest:
Excellent acting, plotlines and graphics on the part of the cast and crew for this movie. While keeping to the pirate genre, they managed to add some totally unexpected elements to keep the audiences happy, along with a good bit of backstabbing and the reuse of a lot of good characters.
Also, in keeping with piracy tradition, the captain continues to be a boisterous, womanizing man who will never set down, which, to my great enjoyment, is used well at many parts of the film.
While I'd like to say none, I did find the work on the crew of the other vessel to be a bit overdone. While interesting, the dank ship filled with these automotons, along with a few scenes involving survivors of wrecked ships, were not the best part of the film I had come to expect.
However, these parts are still interesting, and do add another sign of how "evil" our antagonist is.
People who read -- I tried to cut back on spoilers as much as possible, leaving some loose plot bits that are mostly superficial open for interpretation. However, there's always the chance I let something slip, so be careful.
I don't usually wait for movies when they come out. Oh, I waited for the third Lord of the Rings movie, amongst a few others, with most of the population of North America, but that was an extreme rarity. I'm proud to say that Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest broke that little tradition of mine.
When the movie started up, it was the typical twisting story that seems common to the piracy movie theme, but especially in this series itself. With Will having his marriage cut off, because of his assistance of a pirate, leading to their arrests, he must go and find Jack and force him to come back to become a privateer of the East India Trading company.
Jack himself, however, seems to have landed himself fairly deeply in trouble, involving the seemingly dead (and strikingly familiar) crew of a sunken ship captained by Davey Jones himself. With this in play, the movie begins it's twirling story line as they rush around the Carribean, in search of salvation from the watery depths.
The first thing I thought when I saw this movie, is that it was not living up to some of my expectations. I had expected it to have a bit more humour in it, but I found it to be a lot more foreboding than I would've liked. The plot line, at times, seemed hard to follow, and eventually you learn to not distinguish how everything connects, but how every single character seems to have their own plans for the chest. Luckily for me, the movie did improve as we moved on with the storyline, so if you become dissapointed at the beginning of the movie, it does get better.
Onto the graphical display in this film -- it's creative. If not a little disturbing, like the walking and talking corpses in the last Pirates of the Carribean. When I first saw Davey Jones' crew, it was pretty appalling, which was what they had been going for. It looked as though the crew had decomposed, rotted, and been nibbled at while under the sea. Some members of the crew seemed to manifest animal characteristics, if not the looks themselves, like on crewman who had a check which blew up like a puffer fish, another who's head acted like a crab, and another who had the head of a hammerhead shark on top of a skeletal, seaweed packed body.
The water effect, with the waves, and the creatures who lurk below, are also worth mention, not only because it's impressive work, but also because how they did it managed to add a lot to the movie as a whole.
I liked how they had Elizabeth's problem with Jack, involving how see thought, or perhaps was, falling for our slightly feminine hero. From clues such as the compass, to events involving the kiss on the boat, Elizabeth's quickly growing ire, or perhaps cunning, was quickly growing to outdo most of the previous cast.
For the carry over of the cast, I was sad to see some of the people I had come to recognize go. We still had the first mate, and the mute man with the parrot, but many were replaced with other cast members, such as a shorter pirate with a shaven head, and a man who appeared to be of South American decent. We do get to see some of the results of Jack's womanizing again, in the form of a handprint on the side of William's face, and we get a new side of our favourite "evil" pirates from the last movie.
When it comes to the ending, I was dissapointed -- while I prefer some endings to leave things open for a sequel, this one was a little too much for me. Tying things up a little more would be nice, although they have definitely set up for an interesting sequel.
In all, if you want to see your typical Action Adventure with a heavy comedy twist, than this is the movie for you. While trying to keep things different, they have kept enough not to make the film alien enough that we don't understand. The acting was excellent, the plotline always changing and hilarious, and the use of old characters in a new light was innovative. Definitely on the must see list, folks.
Excellent acting, plotlines and graphics on the part of the cast and crew for this movie. While keeping to the pirate genre, they managed to add some totally unexpected elements to keep the audiences happy, along with a good bit of backstabbing and the reuse of a lot of good characters.
Also, in keeping with piracy tradition, the captain continues to be a boisterous, womanizing man who will never set down, which, to my great enjoyment, is used well at many parts of the film.
While I'd like to say none, I did find the work on the crew of the other vessel to be a bit overdone. While interesting, the dank ship filled with these automotons, along with a few scenes involving survivors of wrecked ships, were not the best part of the film I had come to expect.
However, these parts are still interesting, and do add another sign of how "evil" our antagonist is.
People who read -- I tried to cut back on spoilers as much as possible, leaving some loose plot bits that are mostly superficial open for interpretation. However, there's always the chance I let something slip, so be careful.
I don't usually wait for movies when they come out. Oh, I waited for the third Lord of the Rings movie, amongst a few others, with most of the population of North America, but that was an extreme rarity. I'm proud to say that Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest broke that little tradition of mine.
When the movie started up, it was the typical twisting story that seems common to the piracy movie theme, but especially in this series itself. With Will having his marriage cut off, because of his assistance of a pirate, leading to their arrests, he must go and find Jack and force him to come back to become a privateer of the East India Trading company.
Jack himself, however, seems to have landed himself fairly deeply in trouble, involving the seemingly dead (and strikingly familiar) crew of a sunken ship captained by Davey Jones himself. With this in play, the movie begins it's twirling story line as they rush around the Carribean, in search of salvation from the watery depths.
The first thing I thought when I saw this movie, is that it was not living up to some of my expectations. I had expected it to have a bit more humour in it, but I found it to be a lot more foreboding than I would've liked. The plot line, at times, seemed hard to follow, and eventually you learn to not distinguish how everything connects, but how every single character seems to have their own plans for the chest. Luckily for me, the movie did improve as we moved on with the storyline, so if you become dissapointed at the beginning of the movie, it does get better.
Onto the graphical display in this film -- it's creative. If not a little disturbing, like the walking and talking corpses in the last Pirates of the Carribean. When I first saw Davey Jones' crew, it was pretty appalling, which was what they had been going for. It looked as though the crew had decomposed, rotted, and been nibbled at while under the sea. Some members of the crew seemed to manifest animal characteristics, if not the looks themselves, like on crewman who had a check which blew up like a puffer fish, another who's head acted like a crab, and another who had the head of a hammerhead shark on top of a skeletal, seaweed packed body.
The water effect, with the waves, and the creatures who lurk below, are also worth mention, not only because it's impressive work, but also because how they did it managed to add a lot to the movie as a whole.
I liked how they had Elizabeth's problem with Jack, involving how see thought, or perhaps was, falling for our slightly feminine hero. From clues such as the compass, to events involving the kiss on the boat, Elizabeth's quickly growing ire, or perhaps cunning, was quickly growing to outdo most of the previous cast.
For the carry over of the cast, I was sad to see some of the people I had come to recognize go. We still had the first mate, and the mute man with the parrot, but many were replaced with other cast members, such as a shorter pirate with a shaven head, and a man who appeared to be of South American decent. We do get to see some of the results of Jack's womanizing again, in the form of a handprint on the side of William's face, and we get a new side of our favourite "evil" pirates from the last movie.
When it comes to the ending, I was dissapointed -- while I prefer some endings to leave things open for a sequel, this one was a little too much for me. Tying things up a little more would be nice, although they have definitely set up for an interesting sequel.
In all, if you want to see your typical Action Adventure with a heavy comedy twist, than this is the movie for you. While trying to keep things different, they have kept enough not to make the film alien enough that we don't understand. The acting was excellent, the plotline always changing and hilarious, and the use of old characters in a new light was innovative. Definitely on the must see list, folks.
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- stanolis
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just the latest movie?
i dunno, i believe that all of the movies "that i just had to see" were rather dissappointing this year.
the ballad of ricky bobby
a story of a man who has to be fast and has to win.
B - not very funny and more grossed out with him kissing that dude. some memorable quotes and scenes. it started great and then everything failed. although, my family loved it. Might rent it later
underworld evolution
a sequel about them trying to destroy the first immortals
C - everything they set up in the first movie was destroyed. A+ for action, but there were no bad guys and no real plot. plus, i don't wanna see them have sex, EVER! will never rent it
story about a vampire in the far future fighting for survival and a boy
C - the graphics were great, the dialogue was bad, fighting was iffy.
the best part is at the end when they search her and a little after. listen the PA system - awesome. will never rent it
date movie
spoof of all date movies
F - it wasn't funny. it was really gross. worse than what you get from the wayans. still trying to forget i watched it.
pirates of the carribbean
sequel of their adventures
B - great action, good dialogue. it felt slow and not quite as exciting as the first one. basically, it is just a teaser for the 3rd movie. i will probably buy this one
i'm sure that they're are others, but since i can't remeber them - they're forgetable
i dunno, i believe that all of the movies "that i just had to see" were rather dissappointing this year.
the ballad of ricky bobby
a story of a man who has to be fast and has to win.
B - not very funny and more grossed out with him kissing that dude. some memorable quotes and scenes. it started great and then everything failed. although, my family loved it. Might rent it later
underworld evolution
a sequel about them trying to destroy the first immortals
C - everything they set up in the first movie was destroyed. A+ for action, but there were no bad guys and no real plot. plus, i don't wanna see them have sex, EVER! will never rent it
story about a vampire in the far future fighting for survival and a boy
C - the graphics were great, the dialogue was bad, fighting was iffy.
the best part is at the end when they search her and a little after. listen the PA system - awesome. will never rent it
date movie
spoof of all date movies
F - it wasn't funny. it was really gross. worse than what you get from the wayans. still trying to forget i watched it.
pirates of the carribbean
sequel of their adventures
B - great action, good dialogue. it felt slow and not quite as exciting as the first one. basically, it is just a teaser for the 3rd movie. i will probably buy this one
i'm sure that they're are others, but since i can't remeber them - they're forgetable
Left-handers may be one of the last unorganized minorities in our society, with no collective power and no real sense of common identity.
I actually didn't think Underworld Evolution was too bad, about a 3/5 on my scale. The action makes up most of the strengths of the movies, as some of the twists are just too coincidental or a little unexplained, but there's still enough substance left to salvage it.
X-Men 3: I have to say that this was my favourite out of the entire trilogy and it definitely takes a darker turn - which I loved. There is a load of action, some of it really intense, others of it not as great. Some of the lines seemed a little forced and/or cheesy (Halle Berry and Shawn Ashton were the main culprits, but that could be because of writing, not necessarily because of acting ability), but these were few and far between. The plot won't blow anyone away but it's tight knit and unlike Underworld 2, it has more than enough meat, at least for an action movie, to keep it from becoming 'just an action movie'. X-Men fans will love it, action movie fans will more than likely enjoy it. Three and a Half out of Five
Scary Movie 3: Arguably the worst of the series that I've seen; one and four are waaaay better. Unlike those two, it didn't have any parts that were exceptionally funny or interesting. It gets a little credit for making fun of The Ring, but that's it. One and a Half Stars out of Five
Starsky and Hutch: I never saw the original, but the newer version has its moments. While it doesn't come close to Zoolander, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson manage to play the parts of bumbling protagonists pretty well once again. It lacks the laugh-out-loud moments that other Stiller movies had, but there's nothing terribly wrong with it either. Therein lies the only problem: it does very little to separate it from any decent modern comedy. For the most parts, the parts meant to be funny, are. But IMO it doesn't rival the hilarity of the aforementioned Zoolander and even Meet the Parents. Three Stars out of Five
X-Men 3: I have to say that this was my favourite out of the entire trilogy and it definitely takes a darker turn - which I loved. There is a load of action, some of it really intense, others of it not as great. Some of the lines seemed a little forced and/or cheesy (Halle Berry and Shawn Ashton were the main culprits, but that could be because of writing, not necessarily because of acting ability), but these were few and far between. The plot won't blow anyone away but it's tight knit and unlike Underworld 2, it has more than enough meat, at least for an action movie, to keep it from becoming 'just an action movie'. X-Men fans will love it, action movie fans will more than likely enjoy it. Three and a Half out of Five
Scary Movie 3: Arguably the worst of the series that I've seen; one and four are waaaay better. Unlike those two, it didn't have any parts that were exceptionally funny or interesting. It gets a little credit for making fun of The Ring, but that's it. One and a Half Stars out of Five
Starsky and Hutch: I never saw the original, but the newer version has its moments. While it doesn't come close to Zoolander, Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson manage to play the parts of bumbling protagonists pretty well once again. It lacks the laugh-out-loud moments that other Stiller movies had, but there's nothing terribly wrong with it either. Therein lies the only problem: it does very little to separate it from any decent modern comedy. For the most parts, the parts meant to be funny, are. But IMO it doesn't rival the hilarity of the aforementioned Zoolander and even Meet the Parents. Three Stars out of Five
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's if you get back up."
- Siberys
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- Location: I live in that one place with the thing
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X-men three I will debate with you that it's entirety was cinematography, and no story. It was REALLY weak of a story if there was one at all. They concentrated heavily on just special effects and mutant powers rather than the actual storyline IMO.
As for Underworld Evoloution, and for that matter, the first underworld, the reason why they are bad is because they are built based upon the World of Darkness Pen and Paper game.
What's wrong with them? Movie 1, all they can do is jump, they really nailed that down. Movie 2, the vampires look REALLY weird.
As for Underworld Evoloution, and for that matter, the first underworld, the reason why they are bad is because they are built based upon the World of Darkness Pen and Paper game.
What's wrong with them? Movie 1, all they can do is jump, they really nailed that down. Movie 2, the vampires look REALLY weird.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
I totally understand where you're coming from with X-Men 3 and I can't really debate with you since I think it'd go nowhere.Siberys wrote:X-men three I will debate with you that it's entirety was cinematography, and no story. It was REALLY weak of a story if there was one at all. They concentrated heavily on just special effects and mutant powers rather than the actual storyline IMO.
As for Underworld Evoloution, and for that matter, the first underworld, the reason why they are bad is because they are built based upon the World of Darkness Pen and Paper game.
What's wrong with them? Movie 1, all they can do is jump, they really nailed that down. Movie 2, the vampires look REALLY weird.
Personally I went into the movie looking for action and thrills only; my expectations were tempered to that. I did find that the story was engaging and interesting to me. Yes, the whole mutants at war thing is a little rehashed. On the other hand, their take on the Phoenix plot and other various romances and how they ended up were interesting to me. I say to me, because whether it is to anyone else, I don't know.
As for Underworld, again I went in expecting action and that's what I got out of it, so I was satisfied. I've certainly seen worse plots in a movie though so the story didn't take away from it either.
The Wedding Crashers: The plot is fairly typical for a romantic comedy (although the film's rating is R due to some scenes and dialogue), guy meets girl, falls in love, has trouble getting her, etc etc. It's a formula that's used in a ton of movies every year, but what separates them is the journey. The Wedding Crashers had more than enough laughs for me to enjoy before the inevitable climax, which I knew was going to happen before I started watching. Obviously, you wouldn't watch the movie for a unique story. The dialogue was above average for this sort of movie (with the exception of certain romantic comedy necessary scenes) and Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn have great on screen chemistry. For those who can't stand this genre you won't find anything here to change your opinion, but it's certainly much better than many others of its type.Three and a Half Stars out of Five
The 40 Year Old Virgin: Yet another "new school" comedy I saw recently, although this one has a protagonist who is quite a bit different from the pair in the above movie. Steve Carrell plays the role of a somewhat geeky 40 year-old virgin and takes upon a series of escapades (with the help of his friends and cowerkers) that had me laughing. Some of the scenes seemed almost over the top, but they never crossed into the territory of being overdone. The humor's not as crude as you'd expect, in fact, I found the majority of it to be witty (at least from my perspective) and not low-brow at all. The acting of Carrell was also one of the other strongpoints. If you even have a slight interest in watching this movie I'd say it'd be worth your while. Four Stars out of Five
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's if you get back up."
Last movie I saw in the theatre was Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Agree with all of Stanolis’ comments. Some good scenes and lines, but crap for the most part and that kiss was disturbingly long. Wanted to watch The Departed but my friends were stoned and wanted to watch Talladega and I got outvoted. Idiots.
Some comments on the other movies reviewed:
Saw The Island for the first time last night on HBO. I have to disagree, nowhere near The Matrix. However, it was a decent action movie as the pace was consistently quick and it didn’t drag. Also, Scarlet Johansson turns me on hehe. “That tongue thing is amazing!” Lucky shmuck Lincoln-6-Echo! :/
Bulletproof Monk I found pretty boring. I loved Wedding Crashers and 40-year-old virgin though. X-3 wasn’t bad. Wasn’t great, but I enjoyed it. I actually liked Underworld: Evo, particularly that scene. Made me burrrn with jealousy though, I love Kate Beckinsale. She. Is. Hot.
Avoided Scary Movie 3 and Date Movie as I abhor all spoofs. I dislike unsubtle comedy. Didn’t really like Pirates1 either, but Johnny Depp was hilarious in it imo. I’ll probably see the 2nd when I can catch it on DVD.
Some comments on the other movies reviewed:
Saw The Island for the first time last night on HBO. I have to disagree, nowhere near The Matrix. However, it was a decent action movie as the pace was consistently quick and it didn’t drag. Also, Scarlet Johansson turns me on hehe. “That tongue thing is amazing!” Lucky shmuck Lincoln-6-Echo! :/
Bulletproof Monk I found pretty boring. I loved Wedding Crashers and 40-year-old virgin though. X-3 wasn’t bad. Wasn’t great, but I enjoyed it. I actually liked Underworld: Evo, particularly that scene. Made me burrrn with jealousy though, I love Kate Beckinsale. She. Is. Hot.
Avoided Scary Movie 3 and Date Movie as I abhor all spoofs. I dislike unsubtle comedy. Didn’t really like Pirates1 either, but Johnny Depp was hilarious in it imo. I’ll probably see the 2nd when I can catch it on DVD.
There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people.
I'm with you on that one.enagonios wrote:I actually liked Underworld: Evo, particularly that scene. Made me burrrn with jealousy though, I love Kate Beckinsale. She. Is. Hot.
Oliver Twist: I saw the Roman Polanski version over the weekend and even though it doesn't follow the book completely, it still captures the feel of the story very well. For those who don't know the story, it was originally a Charles Dickens' tale about an orphan who gets involved with the wrong crowd in London while trying to find a better life. Ben Kingsley did a terrific job as ***in and Barney Clark (who plays Oliver) also stood out. In all honesty, the changes to the plot (and simplification) worked to the movie's advantage as it provides a different layer to ***in, which makes it all the more touching and emotional . Since it's the type of movie that can't rely on SFX to get viewers, the dialogue and aforementioned acting were well done and the sets of 19th Century London were convincing as well. All in all, Polanski did a great job on this book to movie translation. Four Stars out of Five
Alexander: To be honest, the movie wasn't nearly as bad as everyone I know made it out to be; in fact I found it to be quite good. From a historical point of view, there were a few major discrepancies, mostly dealing with the portrayal of the Persian Empire, in particular Persian women. However, many other details that you wouldn't expect to be included in a Holleywood movie are present, such as the murder of ****ieus. Granted, some things are abbreviated such as the return to Babylon, but they aren't glaring. The Hephaestion dynamic was very impressive and it was good to see that the homosexual relationship wasn't shyed away from. Battle scenes and sets were terrific as well and while there's a large break in between the two major ones, the filler in between fleshes out the story of Alexander's life fairly well. The only major complaint I have is that at times the acting is very stale and combined with the fact that some scenes move much too slow, you can't help but to lose focus at certain points. Some parts of the movie are the opposite - much to jumpy, making for some confusion. On the whole though, for me it was not close to as bad as the public says. Three and a half Stars out of Five
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's if you get back up."
Borrowed from imdb-Siberys wrote:A description of the movie might be good, as I have no idea what it's about.
"Andy Dufresne is a young and successful banker whose life changes drastically when he is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover. Set in the 1940's, the film shows how Andy, with the help of his friend Red, the prison entrepreneur, turns out to be a most unconventional prisoner."
I had been telling my fiance how it's one of the best movies ever, finally got her to watch it, and of course she loves it.
The last movie I saw is 'The Patriot'. Watched it a few nights ago.
A very good and interesting movie. The battle scenes were intense and never let up whenever scenes like these occurs. Can be bloody at times especially where there are parts of the battle where soldiers loose a leg due to being hit by a cannon ball. The humour is subtle but it is amusing nonetheless and well placed too.
Overall, this movie is a very good one and I won't mind watching it again.
A very good and interesting movie. The battle scenes were intense and never let up whenever scenes like these occurs. Can be bloody at times especially where there are parts of the battle where soldiers loose a leg due to being hit by a cannon ball. The humour is subtle but it is amusing nonetheless and well placed too.
Overall, this movie is a very good one and I won't mind watching it again.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
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Last night we rented Over the Hedge. It was a wonderfully warped satire on suburbia and rampant consumerism with many good lines and entertaining moments.
Though, almost more amusing to me was afterwards when I was looking at stuff on the movie and discovered that places like Walmart were flogging various types of Over The Hedge packages. Oh the irony! :laugh:
Though, almost more amusing to me was afterwards when I was looking at stuff on the movie and discovered that places like Walmart were flogging various types of Over The Hedge packages. Oh the irony! :laugh:
- Fiberfar
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Last movie I saw was Hostel (I think).
One word: Crazy
One word: Crazy
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
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Caught "The Pacifier" this weekend on a satellite channel.
It was typical Disney fare with many predictable parts, but I none the less ended up liking it. Primarily, I guess, for the "fish out of water" appeal of seeing Vin Diesel doing light comedy. Was not a "Do not miss" movie by any stretch, but was amusing and made me laugh so overall worth the time spent. I'd give it a 3 stars out of 5.
It was typical Disney fare with many predictable parts, but I none the less ended up liking it. Primarily, I guess, for the "fish out of water" appeal of seeing Vin Diesel doing light comedy. Was not a "Do not miss" movie by any stretch, but was amusing and made me laugh so overall worth the time spent. I'd give it a 3 stars out of 5.