I wish the drinking age was 16
Your wish is granted
- Cartell
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:32 pm
- Location: Currently in Mid-word, on the path of the Beam
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Wish Granted. Your ex accepts your proposal, but she's changed. She weighs 400 pounds...... in one leg alone.
She is constantly asking you to hang out. Her voice is now so high pitched all you hear when she talks is a loud abnoxis screech. And to top it off, a backfire on your wish means you two are permantly together. Have fun love-birds.:laugh:
I wish the drinking age was 16
I wish the drinking age was 16
[QUOTE=Tricky;914030]I want the world to become more appreciative of carefully constructed spam. The art of saying absolutely nothing with many beautiful words is the closest you can get to poetry without meaning. That's life, really. Spagnificant.[/QUOTE]
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
- Cartell
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:32 pm
- Location: Currently in Mid-word, on the path of the Beam
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Granted, you know live in Canda. Of course your course is that where you live is not poulated by people, but only wild animals. (which is pretty much all of canada:laugh: ) Lacking human interaction you slowly go mentally insane, and when finally reintroduced back into the regualar human society, you go crazy and kill 57 postal workers and then yourself. Have fun in the underworld, Canadian.:laugh:
I wish I could order my parents around intead of the reverse.
I wish I could order my parents around intead of the reverse.
[QUOTE=Tricky;914030]I want the world to become more appreciative of carefully constructed spam. The art of saying absolutely nothing with many beautiful words is the closest you can get to poetry without meaning. That's life, really. Spagnificant.[/QUOTE]
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
- Sean The Owner
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- Sean The Owner
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- Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:03 pm
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- Sean The Owner
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granted, you get your new GB t-shirt, but it was covered in skunk smell, and your mom(parent/guardian...life partner...landlord...or the government if youre by yourself) wouldnt let you keep it, you were kicked out of the house and bound to live on the street with nothing but your skunky t shirt...
i wish i had swords like cloud(from Final Fantasy) and be a pro at wielding them
i wish i had swords like cloud(from Final Fantasy) and be a pro at wielding them
- Cartell
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:32 pm
- Location: Currently in Mid-word, on the path of the Beam
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Granted but your sword is made of silly putty and falls apart as you try to weild it. However, your school administration, (intelligent as they are) still deem it a weapon. they have the cops come and aresst you for bring a dangerous weapon on the campus. You try to argue your point in courts (same inteligence level as the School admin:laugh: ) but you are given the maximum time. Due to a fluke in the computers, You are sent to a high level maximum security prison for life. Hurray for jail!
I wish everyone was as intelectual as me.
I wish everyone was as intelectual as me.
[QUOTE=Tricky;914030]I want the world to become more appreciative of carefully constructed spam. The art of saying absolutely nothing with many beautiful words is the closest you can get to poetry without meaning. That's life, really. Spagnificant.[/QUOTE]
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
- Sean The Owner
- Posts: 881
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Granted. You are now a lamp post. However, it ended when some drunk driver swerved to the kerb and hit the lamp post (you) and eventually tipped over and fall to the ground.
I wish that my car's armour is as thick as tank's armour.
I wish that my car's armour is as thick as tank's armour.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it takes...is someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- Sean The Owner
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granted, you are now ON the football team...naked...and you are forced to play the entire game, until the err...last down?(i dont know how football games go
lol) and ya...in which you are tackled for the 100th time and lost your err...you know where this is going...no more kids for you
i wish my hair would be trihawked! (i attempted about 3 hours ago, but its down to my shoulders and only had enough hair cement and wood glue for one mohawk...so i washed it out before the wood glue dried...)
i wish my hair would be trihawked! (i attempted about 3 hours ago, but its down to my shoulders and only had enough hair cement and wood glue for one mohawk...so i washed it out before the wood glue dried...)
- Sean The Owner
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- Deadalready
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- Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:37 am
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- Sean The Owner
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- Joined: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:03 pm
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- Cartell
- Posts: 149
- Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 3:32 pm
- Location: Currently in Mid-word, on the path of the Beam
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Granted. You can now never recieve a grade lower then a 100 % on any english or math tests. However, You teachers begin to beilieve that you are a genius and send you to a higher math level. This happens again. You are sent up higher and higher until you are in college level math. since you only get 100's in Math and english you fail all other subjects. The only degree you can recieve is a math/english teacher.(take your pick) However, getting 100's doenst mean that the your teachers conferred any of their knowlodge onto you. You cannot teach the subject, and since their are no tests to get hundreds on, you are fired. You spend the rest of your life, homeless. The only money you recieve is by getting students to pay you to do their math and english tests for them. You die poor, homeless, BUT mourned by students everywhere.:laugh:
I Gamebashee forums had a speel check. :laugh:
I Gamebashee forums had a speel check. :laugh:
[QUOTE=Tricky;914030]I want the world to become more appreciative of carefully constructed spam. The art of saying absolutely nothing with many beautiful words is the closest you can get to poetry without meaning. That's life, really. Spagnificant.[/QUOTE]
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.