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Quick question, slight oversight/help

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Quick question, slight oversight/help

Post by Jedi_Sauraus »

I made a Cavalier with the following stats 12,18,18,11,13,17 and I'm wondering......... minor spoiler ahead

the class requirement for a Paladin is 13 in Wisdom I'm going to have to sacrifice 1 wisdom in the dream at spellhold bringing me back down to 12, will this have a negative impact on my char ?? will I lose Paladin status??

spoiler end

I've only just gotten out of Irenicus dungeon and done the circus so I could easly remake but doing that dungeon is such a chore.............. alternatly I could sacrifice the INT point but that makes 2 hit kills from mind flayers

Many thanks in advance
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Post by Emnelion »

I can't be sure because I've never played a paladin, but I really, really don't think that the charater would lose any abilities at all. Don't think the game works that way, the 13 wis thing is JUST on the character creation and won't affect your character in the real game.

I mean if the dream's -1 wis could make a whole character crash, then I think there would be some cind of warning somewhere.

end spoiler

And to allow a mindflayer to kil you in two attacks wouldn't be very wise.
(By the may. What weapons are your character proficient in, with the 12 str in mind?)
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Post by Jedi_Sauraus »

this is also an oversight on my part ;-) but one with far less consequences..... as soon as I scrounge up 16k to get a certain belt at our favourite store in the waukeen promenade :D really what cavalier would use anything diffrent than carsomyr and red dragon scale my proficiencies are 2 in 2 handed weapons style, 2 in 2 handers, 2 in dual-wield, and 2 in longswords. I'm debating wether my lvl 9 proficiency should go to scimitars or dual wield. I need to get carsomyr early on (stronghold) and I'm going to get it as soon as I do the NPC quests and trademeet. By that time my mages should be able co cast breach and LR and a level 9-10 cavalier using belm and the anti-dragon longsword should be able to solo firekraag after extensive buffing.

edit:spoilers if you lose your LG status in hell you lose your Paladinhood it is an analagous situation with the dream....... just a thought if anyone has expierience with this let me know

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