I noticed that there has been someone posting threads against the rules this morning, and those threads have been deleted. Now, in the forum's main page, those threads are still visible in "Latest post" section.
Is there any way to remove such threads/post from that list which have been deleted from the forum also? As you can see in the pic from link, it looks rather bad that there is sex ad thread in every subforum. I personally would consider several times before joining such forum which has such threads in almost every sub-forum and even as latest post, even though such threads doesn't exists anymore...
and the [url="http://f7.yahoofs.com/users/14UjMtvNkFJU/__sr_/e0ef.jpg?tkn=phgO4SFB9Zzlc4zs&saveas=Image1"]pic[/url]
EDIT: Sorry, the pic seems to be download -form. I try to get it to such that you don't need to download it...
(darn updated Yahoo....