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Which do you prefer?

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Post by mr_sir »

I have to admit that the first time playing Kotor1 I didn't see the twist coming at all. I saw Bastila's switch to the DS coming, but not the twist. Saying that, the second and third times through I noticed all the conversations that hinted towards it so maybe the first time I just didn't pay enough attention to them lol. Like Xandax, I think the storyline is really good in Kotor2 and liked to have to think about it, but there were just too many loose ends in the story for my liking, largely because of the cut content. This is the sole reason why I prefer Kotor 1 even though Kotor 2 is the better overall game.
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Post by Gromph »

I don't tend to agree there, I found that KOTOR 2 is missing....something. I don't quite know what it is, it just doesn't seem as good a game IMO.

Maybe I will beat them both again and post again if I finally get what is wrong with the second one(may be those loose ends, or the lack of a really compelling story)
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Post by Drunkside »

1 is much better,and there is something, some feeling in the air...but i like doing damage,348 with right hand,299 with left and beeing like a god of destruction,killing everything that moves.
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Post by triline beta »

The prestige classes in the second one makle it much better.
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Post by Pentevrien »

Of course KOTOR I is much better, but in the sequel I like that influence feature. I dislike Malachor V map... the ending is really poor :(
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Post by Bada-Bing-Boom »

I'm sorry but i have to say i totally disagree with Xandax. I didn't see the twist in KOTOR 1 coming at all. KOTOR 2... did it even have a twist? Though i really enjoyed the influence feature. And is it me or did the four planets u go to for Star Maps/Lost Jedi took alot longer to do in 1 than 2. I mean in the second one it's like this

Korriban(2): Go inside acadamy. find dead jedi. fight sion. go inside secret tomb. boom. ur done.

Korriban(1): Meet some sith. go to acadamy. meet yuthara. get medallion. show it to yuthara. get in acadamy. yuthara talks to u forever. talk to uthar. earn prestige(which takes way too long). go to uthar. prepare for final test. get inside naga sadow tomb. kick the crud out of tereneteks. find gernades. use one on pool of acid. get Star Map. kill uthar/yuthara/both. fight through entire acadamy. finally ur done.

am i the only one who noticed this? I kinda like it better long because u got more stuff to do and ti has more depth.
nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. See that's the part where you jump out and go "AAAAHH!!!!!!!" when people don't know you're there.
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Post by Xandax »

Bada-Bing-Boom wrote:I'm sorry but i have to say i totally disagree with Xandax. I didn't see the twist in KOTOR 1 coming at all. KOTOR 2... did it even have a twist? Though i really enjoyed the influence feature. And is it me or did the four planets u go to for Star Maps/Lost Jedi took alot longer to do in 1 than 2. I mean in the second one it's like this
No reason to be sorry, seeing as it is only a game and thus subjective (but how did you not see the "twist" comming a mile away? :D )

Oh and it is "just you". The sequal is much larger, except for Korriban. But you can't compare thoese two planets and say that one game is longer.
By "running" through the games, I can complete KOTOR1 about twice as fast as I can KOTOR2.
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Post by Revan Spirit »

i love the kissing part in kotor 1 and im curious since on the only file ive been light eneough to get it is only on planet 3 of choosing is there nething else when you save her from the dark? and the romances were way to incomplete in kotor 2. sure kreia talks about children but thats just her being well... her and mira talks about sleeping together but nothing really happens and kotor1 was way more whole. plus kotor 2 was just like an all out survival test huge fight after huge fight no fun of just fighting no romances so i and spoiler:the juhani lesbian thing was way better then nething in kotor 2so i like 1 a lot better
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Post by Stevie »

In defence of KOTOR II's lame romance's...Jedi's aren't supposed to have romantic relationships, so maybe that's why the Exile never takes things too far. Also, if you're a female Exile in kotorII, the romantic interest isn't really anything to get excited about. There's the excruciatingly boring Disciple and the deeply disturbed Atton! Not much choice.
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Post by DesR85 »

Stevie wrote:In defence of KOTOR II's lame romance's...Jedi's aren't supposed to have romantic relationships, so maybe that's why the Exile never takes things too far. Also, if you're a female Exile in kotorII, the romantic interest isn't really anything to get excited about. There's the excruciatingly boring Disciple and the deeply disturbed Atton! Not much choice.
Sorry I didn't reply to this earlier. Well, the problem is that since the romance in KOTOR 1 was solid and polished, most people who've played it will expect the same or even better for the sequel. Since KOTOR 2's romance wasn't good or even complete to say the least, most players feel very disappointed at the romance in KOTOR 2.
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Post by FredrikNo1 »

I think the first one is the better.
The NPC are much more detailed and the story feels so much more epic.
I really feelt as if malak was a lord of the sith and as if the galaxy was at war.

In the second i more or less ran around killing for the feel of it. I mean i wanted to fight both the jedi masters and the sith because quite frankly i didnt feel as they had any reall life and difference between them.

Maybe a bit simplistic but I defenietly liked the first much more (the second is still good though)
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Post by Macen Press »

I also agree tht kotor 1 was better i actually felt like the characters were real where as in 2 i dint i like so of the extra bits in kotor 2 such as the new classes but i still think kotor 1 is wayyyyy better than 2.
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Post by Lyria Savo »

Let me preface by saying that I love both games and have replayed both many times. I just finished replaying KOTOR to see how it held up after many play throughs of TSL, and I have to say, KOTOR is still the better game by a mile. Even though TSL has all the bells and whistles previously mentioned (influence feature, no level cap, etc.) those just distract you from the confusing story and hollow characters.

Although I love some of the characters in TSL (and Kreia is, hands down, the most complex, interesting character in either game), they didn't suck me in the way the characters in the first game did. One example of this is Carth. Carth takes a lot of bashing and some of it is warrented, but let's compare him to his TSL counterpart, Atton. Carth's reactions at times seem a little extreme, which I think is mostly due to his voice actor and a bad line here and there, but overall, they make sense. He reacts just the way he should, particularly after the twist is revealed. Atton (though he will always have a special place in my heart) is one of the most unevenly portrayed characters in the game. He goes from being a smarmy, kind of dumb guy to being dark and angsty in one conversation (don't want to spoil it for those who haven't played it). Am I the only one who finds this a HUGE leap of faith? I won't go into the rest of the characters, except to say that Disciple, Handmaiden, and to some extent, Mira are boring, tiresome, and useless to the story for the whole of the game.

I had a lot of problems with the story in TSL and not all of it can be chalked up to the rushed production. The Exile's story was as depressing as it was confusing. Really, the Exile's life just kind of sucks. I get the feeling that even if Obsidian could have completed the game properly, the story still would have had a lot of holes in it. If there's one thing I find unforgivable in any work of fiction, it's bad storytelling. Although there may have been a few too many clues leading up to the twist in KOTOR, the story was tight and satisfying. TSL kind of ruined that for me by saying that Revan has been missing for years. One thing I noticed right off the bat about TSL is how much running around there is. Especially on Telos and Nar Shaddaa. Sometimes I think this game isn't actually longer than KOTOR -- it just feels like it.

As for gameplay itself, KOTOR is still more entertaining overall. Neither game was that challenging, combat-wise, but TSL even on the difficult setting was way too easy, with the battles being more drawn-out than they are hard. Maybe it's just me, but where's the satisfaction in that? On the influence issue, I did love that and spent many hours replaying TSL just to get the most out of that. I really appreciated that mostly because it was true to the Exile's character and was one of the few things that made sense. Also, the workbench set up in TSL is undeniably superior as are the amout of upgrades.

Sorry for the long post, but this is something that I've been thinking about lately, having just replayed both games. To sum up, for me, KOTOR has a better, tighter story, better character interactions (because it has better characters), and is more entertaining. TSL's real appeal for me lies in the influence system and in Kreia and the Exile's characters which adds a complexity that the first game lacks. Still, it can't hold up to the original.
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Post by Napoleon »

lots of points have been brought up here so I'm not going to head into everything thats already been touched on, but I voted for KOTOR 1. The main reason, what pushed me over the edge, were the first two planets and how re-playable they make the game... Taris and Dantooine are WAY WAY WAY more fun and enjoyable than peragus and telos, I absolutely can not stand playing those two planets over again for some reason, I just find them so annoying.
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Post by Chezbro »

I dont know about you (well i do but can be bothered commenting) but i found Kotor 1 far more enjoyable plot and gameplay wise. The characters were far more dynamic and 'alive' and the planets/quests were more in-depth.
That's not to say that i didn't enjoy Kotor 2, i found the extra options for the lightsabre upgrading really good, allowed more customisation of your weapon, because it is supposed to be your avatar's personal sidearm, like they say in-game, Jedi are supposed to be married to thier ligthsabres.
The influence system in kotor 2 was good also, because it can change the gameplay, like i really pissed the handmaiden off and she never spoke to me again.
Both games are good but Kotor 1 is more complete and polished.
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Post by Sashimi »

I would have to say I enjoy KOTORII much more than its prequel.

Long post here so if you don't want to read, read the last paragraph.

Firstly features aside, many have complained about TSL's seemingly incomplete storyline, while in my opinion "confusing" is an a lot more suitable word, as the story was in fact very "complete". Every character had their own unique conclusion through dislogues with Kreiya in the end, (save Bao-Dur which doesn't bother me at all, just allows more room for imaginations) and the exile him/herself's path is the player's choice as everything was throughout the game. In KOTOR the characters were given a more aggregate conclusion whether "those who stands in my way dies, others live" if you're DS or "all lived happily ever after" as LS. In fact this difference in plot style is evidented throughout both games: KOTOR: a typical "evil-fighting hero" / "path of the villain", somewhat simple and to me unconvincing. TSL though, emphasise more on philosophies, definitions of Jedi/Sith/LS/DS, even the force itself eg. echoes/whether or not it has a will etc etc. Along with the more open ending it was in fact one of the most sophisticated plot I've came across from a game.

Characters in TSL are also rendered with more dimensions than the straight forward "you ask and I tell" system in KOTOR. They (even the driods!!!) respond to your actions a lot more through the influence system hence making them far more interactive than the ones in KOTOR, giving more feelings of companionship rather than NPCs who would tell stories and who follow you everywhere. Handmaidan getting so furious with jealousy she never speaks to you again, gaining influence with one person while losing with another in some situations makes the characters far more personal. (That's why it's so much harder to be a DS in TSL for me...the guilt from doing badass actions especially ones that hurts my companions really pains me, where as in KOTOR I can simply laugh and shake it off) Many hates kreiya, but I respect her for so many truths in her teaching which she points out so directly and which actually applies to real life. "Jedi/Sith" being titles, LS/DS is being measures of personality, not the job one has chosen. SPOT ON!

As for gameplay the choice is even simpler. More force/feat and non-linear character development -training others to become jedi- has won my heart wholly. Replayability of TSL is limitless, just mess around with LS/DS character classes (main or non-main), trying to get influence to unlock stories. Level limit cap removed allow more flexibility in character development. I've trained my main character to become a jedi gunman once and it was a hell lota fun. As for KOTOR I've couldn't be bothered playing it more than two times, once as LS and once as DS.

Anyway my conclusion is it really comes down to the preference of the gamer in what he/she is looking for in a game. Simple gamers who enjoy an entertaining game with a less mind-boggling plot and gameplay to have a bit of fun would enjoy the original, while those who are looking for something a little different, more sophiscated and perhaps realistic in themes, and requires more thinking, would like TSL. I guess TSL is just more philosophic and is made more for the mature minded or the more serious gamers who bothers to really dig in and think about every bit of the storyline from many angles, where as KOTOR holds more entertainment values.
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Post by DJA »

If KOTOR 2 had actually been given the time to be completed, it would probably have been my favorite of the two. As it is though, I can hardly bring myself to even play it because the plot holes in it (large enough to fly the Ebon Hawk through) are just way too distracting. I usually replay KOTOR 1 every few months, but have only played KOTOR 2 all the way through twice. I just really wish they'd have taken another 6 months at least to finish it, but someone wanted the game out before Xmas, so we're stuck with what we got :mad: I just really wish Bioware was going to do KOTOR 3, but that's not looking too likely.
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Post by Toy Soldier »

Kotor 2 was shorter but more straightforward

When i played Kotor 1 for the first time it took me over 40 hours to complete(granted i spent almost ten hours on Taris trying to figure out what to do). However there was a lot of detail and a great plotline. The *twist* i began to suspect in the moments before the video but i wasnt sure until they told me.
As for Kotor 2 i played until the last planet before my dad wiped the computer and, unfortunately, my saved games. But in the time leading up until the last planet it took me about 25 hours and i could tell nothing was going to happen. Everything was plainly obvious because they showed *secret conversations* between two party member about their former lives. I also felt disappointed that i could not get a character simply because i did not pick up the remains of a droid i killed on a planet destroyed in the first 2 hours.
So, in my personal opinion, Kotor 1 was a significantly better game because it brought more story and was a lot less go in kill a few guys find jedi, make contact, ur done and lot more do this do that, o no because u did that u now have to do this and this and this and maybe ull get the star map.
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Post by fable »

If you've already posted your opinions, there's no need to post again and protest somebody else's views who didn't vote the way you did.

Post removed.
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Post by Cyro »


KOTOR 1 has the better story, the more believable (if somewhat more annoying) characters and the smoother game play on its side.

KOTOR 2 has the darker story, the better character development and more immersive game play, along with the better over-all system...

To be honest I love them both, so I'm going to have to abstain from voting.
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