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Exact location of Rifthome Axe? (SPOILERS ABOUND)

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Galuf the Dwarf
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Exact location of Rifthome Axe? (SPOILERS ABOUND)

Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Well, I decided I'll try to help Buck fix up some errors with the Baldur's Gate I & II sections of the main site.

Anyways, where - and who exactly - do you loot/obtain the Rifthome Axe from?

The Axe section of the BG2 equipment guide says you buy it off Ribald Barterman. I found that
1) that's not the case, and
2) supposedly you loot that off a Shadow Thief after you side w/ Bodhi.

So, which Shadow Thief - and where exactly - has the Rifthome Axe?
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Post by DaemonJ »

You do indeed loot it off of a thief in the shipyards (x 1850 y 3615) area when you side with Bodhi.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Ahhh, good. Buck will glad to hear this. Thanks! :cool:
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Post by VonDondu »

If you work for Aran Linvail, he will ask you to help Mook guard a shipment at the docks. When you get there, Bodhi's servants will arrive and try to steal the shipment, killing Mook in the process. If you work for Bodhi, YOU are the one who is supposed to steal the shipment from Mook. Since you're not the one who is protecting Mook, she calls for assistance from a character named Arkanis Gath. He's the one who has the Rifthome Axe. You might recognize him as the guy who insta-kills you if you attack the Shadow Thieves when the game doesn't want you to, but if you're working for Bodhi, he loses his special powers and all of the Shadow Thieves are fair game.
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