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sordirsin the tusk

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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sordirsin the tusk

Post by vitosqueo »

i just started chapter three killed the giant and the wolfs just south of the starting point is a man called sordirsin the tusk, he's looking for some lost treasure or something. i talked to him for a while and got no where so i killed him and his friends, seem like the right thing to do at the time. he has a little hut there but i can't get in. it says that's it not a conventinal lock and may be warded, my rogue can't pick it. how do i get in?
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Post by Faberge »

That little hut is his tomb. If you continue playing normally and talk with people in the wandering village to North you’ll eventually end up returning his lost treasure. It is all part of the game. Now if you worry about killing him, there is no need. He will respawn.

However there is an alternative way to handle the situation. If you have a bard in your party send him to talk with the undead and the undead will ask him to play a song. If your bard’s level is high enough the undead will be pleased and shall return to his grave leaving his tomb lootable to you and some extra experience points.
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