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Strange graphic problem with spells

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Strange graphic problem with spells

Post by C-K'R[PhoEniX] »

When I cast spells or when enemies do, I see the spell-effect, but it is covered in blue rectangle each time, and game kinda slows down. Game also tends to slow down when I point my mouse arrow (hand) to big closets and stuff that can contain items. My system specs are way too good for this old game, I have installed the patch and the patch fix, so what's the problem?


I feel so stupid again...I forgot to do a search. When I did, I found out that the new video card drivers have problems with PS:T, so installing the old drivers, or disabling the current ones using device manager solves the problem. I promise I won't post before doing a search again ;)

*EDIT 2*

I have tried both updating the drivers and disabling them and neither fix the problem, they just create the new ones, so I'm still looking for the solution to this problem :mad:
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Post by Vorlin »

There are two fixes for this problem that I know of:

1. Go into the in-game video options menu and select 'Software Blitting' and 'Software Transparency'. The problem with this is that your framerate will probably be unplayable even with a powerful system.

2. Right-click on your Windows desktop, select 'Properties', click on the 'Settings' tab, then click on the 'Advanced' button. This will bring up a new panel, select the 'Troubleshoot' tab. You should see a bar allowing you to set your graphics acceleration (it's probably set to the extreme right ('Full') at this point). For my card I had to turn it down 3 notches (i.e. 3 to the left from 'Full', or 2 from the right from 'None'). This disables D3D acceleration, and fixes the problem for me with no in-game side effects that I've seen up to now (you will see cursor trails on the menus prior to actually entering the game, but this stops once you are playing). Note: don't adjust this with the game running or it might lock it up, adjust it first then launch the game.

I noticed no performance hit from doing this, YMMV. Other cards/drivers might require more or less fiddling with the precise acceleration (I'm using a GeForce Ti-4200 with the 93.71 drivers). Make sure to remember to restore your previous acceleration level (probably 'Full') when not playing Torment.
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Post by Arcanister »

Thanks Vorlin, that 2nd fix did the trick for me for sure - same exact little mouse trail problem but compared to the spell animation thing yyyyeah - infinitely better. I've been doing the software transparency thing up til now and it was making my game a little slow, a little choppy.

So THANKS VORLIN - hats off to ya
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Post by Arcanister »

That helped even more than I thought - again, aside from the menu screen, the whole things runs a *lot* smoother. So again, thanks Vorlin :) My playing experience is going to be a *lot* better.
I haven't been having that problem for like 4 years!! lol
Finally, I'll get to enjoy my favorite game in all it's glory :)
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