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which patch, if any, do I need?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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which patch, if any, do I need?

Post by Shine »

I have a boxed set of BG2, called baldur's Gate 23 The Collection. It includes a 4-disk set for Shadows of Amn and one CD of Throne of Bhaal, the Final Chapter.
It mentions an 8 million exp cap on the box.

There seems to be a bewildering number of patches, official or not, available for this game. Do I need any to fix bugs? I realize there are patches and mods available for enhanced play. I'm more concerned with bugs.
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Post by fable »

You should get the official patch for ToB off the Web. That will include any official patches to SoA, too.

Then you can do a search in our forum database, and decide which other patches and mods you care to use, and in what order.
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