Sorry to be a pest with constant questions, but ...
I understand Kivan will leave if you don't kill bandits within 10 days of his joining the party. For that reason, I held off recruiting him until I had finished the Nashkel Mine and was ready to do Chapter 3, the Bandit Camp. As a result, Kivan was really only in my party for less then 5 days game time when Chapter 3 was finished and Chapter 4 had begun, now I can get Corran (should I so desire) and Kivan never really had a chance to develop.
My question then is what will satisfy Kivan? I have started a second party that consists of
me: cleric
I skipped Khalid/Jaheria, collected Ajantis and went straight to Nashkel after getting the FAI quests. I can collect Kivan, get Minsc and Dynaheir and finish Chapter 2, but if Kivan requires Chapter 3 with 10 game days, it ain't gonna happen. Will he be satisfied with simply killing some stray bandits?
sweevil wrote:I agree with CFM, I've picked up Kivan in almost every game. He grumps alot, but I've never had him leave.
However, there is a good cleric female that WILL leave your party if you do what she considers evil things....didn't want to get a spoiler tag...
When did you pick Kivan up? I think that is the key. If you get him when you are ready to do Chapter 3, his craving to kill bandits will be immediately satisfied. What I am wondering is if you get him before you actually do the Nashkel mine, or even rescue Dynaheir is there a problem if you don't finish Chapter 2 and start killing Chapter 3 bandits within 10 game days? If Officer Vai is the key, she doesn't spawn until Chapter 2 is completed. Some of those cross country hikes to different zones take more then one day each way.
The only NPC cleric I am aware of in the game who is good is Yeslick. Branwen is neutral and Vicona is evil. So who is this good female cleric?
Both Coran and Kivan scripted to quit when their timers expire. It's just in vanilla BG (and in BG2) the timers that are expressed in days rather than numerically glitch. A lot. So, sometimes you luck out and don't see them go. Sometimes it works as intended and they leave.