This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer expansion pack, the Storm of Zehir expansion pack, and the Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack.
Well, since I upgraded to version 1.03, I can't buy/sell to vendors any more. I take the conversation option which should lead to the window with their wares, but nothing happens. Never happened to me in the earlier versions. I tried talking to the vendors with multiple characters, tried at least 3-4 vendors, also tried reloading/restarting game. Nothing helped. Anyone have any idea what's going on?
"You can do whatever you want to me." "Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?" "So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
I have heard of this yes.
Think you just need to reinstall and repatch.
Trust me, most of the names I have been called you can't translate in any language...they're not even real words as much as a succession of violent images.
One of the main reasons for this (as found on other sites) is the use of a no-cd patch.
ie, if you're using the nocd patch with 1.03, then certain areas become "bugged" (conspiracy theorists say that this is intentional) - merchants, the fist-fight in the tutorial among others.