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Who are the best Merchants? (Mild Spoilers)

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Who are the best Merchants? (Mild Spoilers)

Post by NeoTiamat »

Simple enough question. Which merchants buy things for the best prices?

I know that Sand in Act I would buy things for about triple the price anyone else would offer, but I eventually ran him out of money (and progressed to Act II).

Will anyone else offer equally good prices, at any point in the game? I have a a Magic Bag full of high-quality armor and weaponry I can sell, but I want to get the best prices for them (the difference being something like between 5000 for a Duskwood Shortbow or 15000 for a Duskwood Shortbow).

Does anyone offer equally good prices to Act I Sand? If so, name and when/where I'll get to him (try and keep the spoilers down. Just a name and how to recognize him/her/it).
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Post by GoldDragon »

Deekin and the two other merchants for the Merchant's Friend/Blessed of Wuakeen merchants would likely have the most in barter least, they would if you purchased most of their "special" wares, first..... (Deekin from Act 1, the others can't be reached until Act two)

Glad to know I wasn't the only one to run Sand out of Money...... I also ran poor Simmy out of cash. (S)He couldn't even buy a 45gp potion of Owl's Wisdom........ :cool: :mischief: :angel:
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Post by fable »

Posts removed. The person who started the thread stated questions in their first post: those are the ones that require answers. If you have your own questions, please start a new thread. Don't steal this one.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Thank you Fable.

So..... anyone know?

Note to self: When I have time, do a run-around of every merchant I can find. Ah well.
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