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Sarevok alignment (spoilerish maybe)

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Sarevok alignment (spoilerish maybe)

Post by Brann »

I've just started ToB and traded Minsc in for Sarevok.

I did not make him swear a geas and he's already talked to me twice about things that I believe will affect his alignment.

Now I'm wondering if it's worth trying to get him to change alignments. For one, the not-so-angelic replies to his questions are more fun but, more importantly, he's currently wielding Soul Reaver and also has Vahldiek (looks dangerous, haven't tried it out yet), both of which cannot be wielded by 'good' people.

I guess my question is: is there a pay off to an alignment change for him that is worth more than what are currently the best weapons in my inventory?

Also, while on the subject of tanks, what's the excitement about Keldorn's ability to dispel magic? I see that mentioned often as a bonus. When he uses it, he also dispels everyone else's (beneficial) magic and, besides, my casters all have that spell. Am I using it wrong?

Interestingly, Keldorn had nothing to say about joining up with Sarevok. Then again, he's not had much to say about Viconia lately, either. (Wow, I just realized that, although I'm playing the game on a "good" path, only Keldorn and myself are good aligned. How odd.)
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Post by Lark »

No, you don't get any reward apart from the satisfaction of having him redeemed. Sarevok won't be able to equip evil aligned items anymore, but will instead be able to wield Azureaxe.

Concerning Keldorn's Dispel: It has some advantages over a normal Dispel Magic.
1) It is cast with cast time of 1, while Dispel Magic is normally cast with a cast time of 5
2) It is cast with double the caster's level, which normally means guaranteed success in the opposed caster level check.

Sometimes it is more important to remove debuffs on your party or buffs on the opposed party than keeping your own buffs. Of course, positioning your party so that the enemy is in the area of effect of Keldorn's Dispel, but your paty isn't, would be an option, too. If you, for example, encounter enemies just cast Keldorn's Dispel at them, before they have the chance to close in. The quick cast time of Keldorn's Dispel helps a lot.

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Post by Coot »

Brann wrote:Interestingly, Keldorn had nothing to say about joining up with Sarevok. Then again, he's not had much to say about Viconia lately, either. (Wow, I just realized that, although I'm playing the game on a "good" path, only Keldorn and myself are good aligned. How odd.)
I don't think that's odd. You're the boss, you decide what actions your partymembers take. You can make evil npc's do good things.
I remember playing a ranger once, a good aligned pc, and I had Sarevok, Korgan and Viconia and used them to smite evil but good. Besides, no matter their alignment, I think both Viconia and Sarevok fit very well in good aligned parties, with the chance to change their alignment and all.

Also, Keldorn - or anyone else for that matter - will give other npc's a hard time once your party is in ToB.

The only 'reward' about Sarevok's alignment change is a roleplaying reward, if you can call it that. I found it very satisfying and IMHO there are more than enough powerful weapons in ToB.
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