Help: Handmaiden hates me (small spoil)
- SantaBarbarian
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Help: Handmaiden hates me (small spoil)
I get to Dantooine and Handmaiden is happy with me. Then Visas shows up and I get her to teach me force sight (which also means gaining a bunch if influence) and Handmaiden won't even talk to me. Will she eventually come around or can I only get good relations with either Visas or her?
I suspect that it could be a bug, though I'm not really sure. If it's a bug, try reloading your previous save to see if anything helps or not.
P.S. Welcome to the forums, SantaBarbarian.
P.S. Welcome to the forums, SantaBarbarian.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- gabrielfaust
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Heh. My first reply, and to a first time poster.
Have you have violated a cardinal rule of courting the handmaiden, namely that of not getting close to Visas unitil you have done the fighting match thing with the Handmaiden?
And don't tell Atton that you didn't mean to hurt her when Atton talks to you about Visas in the sick bay, or the HM will never be friendly to you again, and you wn't be able to Jedify her.
There is no way to ever change her mind back that I know of.
Have you have violated a cardinal rule of courting the handmaiden, namely that of not getting close to Visas unitil you have done the fighting match thing with the Handmaiden?
And don't tell Atton that you didn't mean to hurt her when Atton talks to you about Visas in the sick bay, or the HM will never be friendly to you again, and you wn't be able to Jedify her.
There is no way to ever change her mind back that I know of.
- SantaBarbarian
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Thanks for the welcome
I figured it out (I believe). I did not have enough influence with Handmaden to have her trust my judgement with Visas. I went through the initial training session with Handmaiden and learned her power (add your wisdom bonus to AC) BEFORE I spoke with Visas and then went through the long conversation with Visas where she teaches you force sight, and now Handmaiden doesn't yell at me any more. (My first lovers quarrel :laugh: )
I figured it out (I believe). I did not have enough influence with Handmaden to have her trust my judgement with Visas. I went through the initial training session with Handmaiden and learned her power (add your wisdom bonus to AC) BEFORE I spoke with Visas and then went through the long conversation with Visas where she teaches you force sight, and now Handmaiden doesn't yell at me any more. (My first lovers quarrel :laugh: )
- SantaBarbarian
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Thanks Faust, yes I did break that rule. Women
I think even my second time through I told Atton I didn't mean to hurt Visas. However, I have the same set of dialog options with HM that I had after I fought with her the 1st time and before I Visas came on board, so I think I'm okay.
Wow, Ohio St. is getting blown off the field by UF. :speech:
Wow, Ohio St. is getting blown off the field by UF. :speech:
its not a bug. this happened to me. no what u need to do is get all three fights in with th HM before you talk to Visas or before visas is on board the ship or something. (i dont remember... i havnt played K2 in months. im waiting for the TSL Restoration download from team-gizka before i play again!)
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya...."
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
"Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"
I don't think that ever happened to me the last time I played this game. If I recall correctly, I gave that reply to Atton and nothing out-of-the ordinary happened (I suspect that the reason for this is that I got Visas pretty early, way before I thought of dueling with the Handmaiden. Plus I was able to Jedify the Handmaiden.gabrielfaust wrote: And don't tell Atton that you didn't mean to hurt her when Atton talks to you about Visas in the sick bay, or the HM will never be friendly to you again, and you wn't be able to Jedify her.
There is no way to ever change her mind back that I know of.
''They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective. The duty of every soldier is to protect the innocent, and sometimes that means preserving the lie of good and evil, that war isn't just natural selection played out on a grand scale. The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox. All it someone to light the match" - Captain Price
- gabrielfaust
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Oh, it happened that way to me in my second go around.DesR85 wrote:I don't think that ever happened to me the last time I played this game. If I recall correctly, I gave that reply to Atton and nothing out-of-the ordinary happened (I suspect that the reason for this is that I got Visas pretty early, way before I thought of dueling with the Handmaiden. Plus I was able to Jedify the Handmaiden.
I'm really not sure that I did anything different the first time, but I did start writing down different things the 2nd time, and I remember being shocked at the HM biting my head off when I went in to ask to spar with her.
I'm on a PC, and I'm careful not to use that phrase with Atton now, although I don't know if it always triggers the same response.
Come to think of it, I'm going to try it again since I have save games right after defeating the 3 HK 50 droids, and I'll try both ways when Visas appears
I go to Nar Shadda after Telos now, but in the first game I went to Tantooine first, if that might make a difference..
This is a pretty cool site.
- BlueSky
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Welcome to the site, gabrielfaust, you'll find that if your questions is not answered directly at least somebody has some alternative to the question..
and by the the way, On my first play-through the Handmaiden was always by my side.....turned out to be my most useful character.
and by the the way, On my first play-through the Handmaiden was always by my side.....turned out to be my most useful character.
I do not intend to tiptoe through life only to arrive safely at death"-anon 
- Revan Spirit
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First of all I finished the first 4-5 games without even knowing that either Atton or Handmaiden was even able to be Jedified.gabrielfaust wrote:I go to Nar Shadda after Telos now, but in the first game I went to Tantooine first, if that might make a difference...
Using only blind chick and when I was feeling up to it Kreia (mostly keep er far away from action dont like her much).
*possible spoiler* Finishing Nar Shadda halveways after Telos is a good idea if you want to get Atton jedified fast as long as you collect the influence with him.
Haven't managed to jedify Handmaiden yet, only done the second fight with her so far (first time I ever got this far... huray!!) and she is still talking to me...
Have managed to get Visa up to 75% lightside...
Don't know how, but appearently ignoring her makes her return to the lightside...
Darkside or Lightside ... Always a killer!!!
- Darth_Ruin
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The handmaiden does not like the Dark Side. When you first meet her if you are on the path of the Dark Side then she hopes to redeem you. However if you show more attention to Visas and continue to follow in the footsteps of the Dark Side then usually the Handmaiden will reject you as a failure.
Chris (Darth_Ruin)
Chris (Darth_Ruin)
- Ergophobia
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- Darth_Ruin
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Well i've played through the game a few times, and each time she hates me. The last time i played through i took her with me on the final two planets gaining influence, gained it a fair few times but when i chated it was the same old, why are you here thing.
Do you have to kill Visas in order to keepwell in with the handmaiden?
As i'm as far in the light side as you can be, so i'm good, but she always seems to hate me, even though i gain influence. A flaw in the xbox version?
Do you have to kill Visas in order to keepwell in with the handmaiden?
As i'm as far in the light side as you can be, so i'm good, but she always seems to hate me, even though i gain influence. A flaw in the xbox version?
- Ergophobia
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