Hey there. I'm just wondering if any of you kindly would explain the purpose of wasting both a HLA and a spell slot on the 7th level clerical spell Storm of Vengence; if there is any
I certainly don't get it. It doesn't do any significant damage, it has a long cast.. I mean, is there anything I'm missing or any way to make the spell useful.
I've played BGII for years and know it like my own pocket, though I've never once found Storn of Vengence helpful at all.
Storm of Vengeance
"Three rounds of area-wide party friendly spell disruption and the damage is not too shabby either. Causes so many different elemental damages that totally resistant enemies are extremely rare. The poison causes 4 damage per second on a failed save, nothing if the save is made. Vastly superior to Earthquake. Use when swarmed by hordes of spellcasters."