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A new members questions regarding infractions, points, and Forum rule#3

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A new members questions regarding infractions, points, and Forum rule#3

Post by Andurbal »

A couple of days ago I received a PM saying:
Dear Andurbal,

You have received an infraction at GameBanshee Forums. ... p?p=919198

Vulgar Language (Major)

#3 - Profanity and/or sexually explicit posts are unacceptable. Purposely posting profanity in a way as to avoid our filter will not be tolerated. In extreme cases, we may even file complaints with your ISP or hosting company.

Post has been altered, infraction given.

This infraction is worth 25 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,
GameBanshee Forums
First of all I wanted to state that I approve heartily of the infraction I was given, as well as the alteration of my post. I believe that the fact(s) that I’m new to this forum, this is the only forum I’ve ever participated in, I got carried away sentimentally, the vulgar language I used was directed to Yoshimo and not a real person, that my intention was not to avoid the site’s filters but rather to make the vulgar language I used so difficultly recognizable that no one would be offended by it (obviously I didn’t do that well enough and perhaps there is no way of doing that without breaking rule #3 mentioned above), and finally that I did not intend to put this wonderful site or anyone in a difficult position, does not change anything about the right of giving me the infraction.

However, this PM raised a lot of questions for me, which I couldn’t satiate by searching this forum. I’m not sure whether I would have my questions answered at this link ... 7&t=000043 but it didn’t work anyway. I thought I should post my questions here, because other (new) members might have the same questions, and they regard a whole aspect of the Forums’ function. So here are my questions:

1) Regarding the points: What does a 25-points-worth-infraction stand for? Are these points added to a number of points I had before or transacted from them? How do I find out about the total amount of points I have at a certain time? Is there a way to be rewarded in points or just be punished? How are these points determined? Could you describe the way this point-system works?
2) If the infraction results in restricted access, what would the restrictions be?
3) What determines a serious infraction which will never expire?
4) If I had used the same words but not in a disguised manner, so that the filters would “see” them and “take care of them” automatically, would that also result to an infraction given to me? And if yes, would it be the same (25-points-worth)?

ps: @GameBanshee stuff: If this shouldn’t have been posted here or at all, do what you think is necessary to correct my mistake. I apologize for any inconvenience I might cause. I would appreciate any help given – question answered.
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Post by mr_sir »

Andurbal wrote:1) Regarding the points: What does a 25-points-worth-infraction stand for? Are these points added to a number of points I had before or transacted from them? How do I find out about the total amount of points I have at a certain time? Is there a way to be rewarded in points or just be punished? How are these points determined? Could you describe the way this point-system works?
2) If the infraction results in restricted access, what would the restrictions be?
3) What determines a serious infraction which will never expire?
4) If I had used the same words but not in a disguised manner, so that the filters would “see” them and “take care of them” automatically, would that also result to an infraction given to me? And if yes, would it be the same (25-points-worth)?
1) When you reach a certain level of points your account will be temporarily suspended for a short period of time (I think this is at 50 points). You should be able to view your points on your profile and there are a set number of points for each type of infraction. Your profile will also tell you how long until those points expire and you have no points again. Only permanent bans are permanent, the rest only last about a week or two, maybe longer if it is a more serious offense.

2) Restricted access is temporarily not being able to log into your account for a set period of time, usually 1 or 2 weeks but this will not happen unless you commit a more major offense or accumulate 50 points before any infractions expire. Very serious offenses can result in permanent bans.

3) Permanent bans will occur if you make a post regarding pirated software, or cracks etc. related to these, for posting pornographic material, for spamming the site with advertising, or for regularly gaining a lot of infractions. The site owner decides who is banned after consulting with the moderators involved.

4) The infraction is given for attempting to avoid the filter or posting with disregard to the filter as you know it will catch it. Its best just not to post vulgar language then you will not have to worry about. If its just a minor thing or a mistake then often you will just get a minor infraction or a warning but repeated use in either the same post or many posts will lead to a more serious infraction.
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Post by Magrus »

Hmm, maybe this should be a part of the rules section? I've been here since late 2004 and I never knew some of this either. Particularly the point based system.
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Post by Xandax »

These changes are relative new as well, and was introduced as they where an integrated part of the latest forum software update.

As such - there are a couple of misconceptions in mr_sir's answer, and I'll try to clarify where he's wrong.

The "limit" is 100 active points. If a person reaches 100 active infraction a permanent ban is issued depending on why/how the person arrived at the limit. There is a "soft limit" of 50 active points which will be followed by a temporary ban. Really serious infractions can give an instantaneous 100 points, which include as mr_sir mentions, posting to pornorgraphy, piracy, most advertisements and so on.
Infractions point are added together, but less serious infractions give less points, and all carry an "expire date", to ensure that "old corrected wrongs are counted forever", meaning - it is possible to "screw up" and not have that hang over your head forever. The expire date ranges from 7 to 21 days.
However, if we find somebody "playing the system" so to speak - meaning they continue to reach near 50 points over and over, we can and will still take actions.

Also - infractions can be warnings as well, if the moderator issuing them feels the poster was more unintentional then deliberate. But it is generally the moderator in charge of the respective subsections decision, on the spot.

2 and 3 mr_sir explains nicely :)

4) profanity is a tricky bit. Simply because the filter filters it out does not mean it is "okay" to post it. In fact the filter is to be seen more of a warning to the poster that the post might need refrasing. If we find "excessive" (depending on post to post context) profanity - even if filtered out - an infraction can (and likely will) be given.

An important notice is that the system is merely administrative, a tool to help communicate easier with people and to help moderators, and all banning still have to go through the same people it had prior to this.
Also only moderators in charge of the given subsection of the forum can give infractions - save fable and myself which can all over the forum.
And lastly - as always -if having problems with a decision please contact one of the moderators, or if having "difficulties" in that - Buck Satan.

Oh, and don't worry about your place to post - it is the correct subsection to ask this question :)

@magrus: will bring that request to Buck :)

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Post by Andurbal »

just a detail

Thanks for your answers, they’ve been very clarifying, except from one little detail:

[QUOTE=mr_sir](…)there are a set number of points for each type of infraction.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Xandax]Infractions point are added together, but less serious infractions give less points, and all carry an "expire date", to ensure that "old corrected wrongs are counted forever", meaning - it is possible to "screw up" and not have that hang over your head forever. The expire date ranges from 7 to 21 days.[/QUOTE]

So, each type of infraction equals to a set number of points, but the expiration time is not fixed for each type of infraction? If this is the case, who decides upon the time needed for the expiration of an infraction (between 1 and 3 weeks)?
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Post by Xandax »

The time period is fixed. It is just that larger infractions carry a longer expire period then a small, relative insignificant one.
This date however does not mean one has gotten away with it because as mentioned if we judge somebody to be "playing" the system, past infractions will carry into decisions as to the consequences.

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Post by BuckGB »

I've made an announcement about the infraction system and how it works here. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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