On the savage jungle planet that you get shot down on,( I forgot it's name)
Mira, if she is with you and in your party, will mention how you could use the skins from the wildThings you kill for some extra credits.:mischief:
And on Telos orbitalSation, there is this slave trader within the catina.
I Should have been able to sell some slaves from those lizard people I from whom I had taken control over when they Boarded my ship on Nar Shadaa.
And on the same jungle planet, where you attack the Palce, After beating the stuffig out of them.(I had been a Dark Lord) General whatsHisFace Vaclue
offered me something in return. I had an option of a statue or telling him to give me all of his force sensitive people. So that I might train them in the ways of the darkside. Before Bane, came about, so I could do this.:devil:
But, alas! No such endeavors came from this!
What depth, what rich and exciting game play I could of had.
It is always the little things....
And how about some real lightsabers this time in Kotor III!!!!!!
I know they gave us those sissy training lightsabers in Kotor 2&3.
I am watching you Kotor game developers!
Some loose ends in Kotor IIPcVersion.
- Romans1133
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- Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:12 pm
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