Anyway on to the inforemation....
Do you have alot of items that you want but you cann't carry because you will go over encumbrance limit?
Do you own alot of heavy armors, weapons, ect that you just cann't carry so you find places to put them in the twons or just about anywhere?
If so, does that cursed overloot bag keep covering up some of your items that you may want?
Or is it that you just cann't find anymore places for your stuff?
How would you like a nice spell to help that all go away?
Well here's how you can do it....
1. You need to buy a soul trap spell.
2. You need to have a fortify attribute spell
3. You need to find a spellmaker who will give you the lowest pricae on anything you buy.
4. Start making a spell, call it what you want.
5. Go to the fortify attribute, then go to strength. Set that to self for 100pts keep the rest the same.
6. The go down to soul trap. Set that to target and add it, but don't mess with anything else.
7. Then when you have a spell with a name with the fortify strength and soul trap effects, buy it.
Lastly, go up to a wall where no one is near you, then cast the spell. You can repeat this as many times as you want and it'll never disappear. Your strength will go up by 100pts everytime. On the plus side to that you get to carry everything you couldn't before.
You may ask how I know this. Well I'm at level 36 and my strength was maxed. I could only carry around 475 lbs. Then I got Corprus through the main quest. So then I wait a while before returning, making my strength go up to 111 pts. Then I went to the main quest and started it again. While walking to Tel Fyr to get myself cured, I gained 3 more points on my strength. Then I had the fist of randagult. Which raised my strength up 20 more pts. So I could carry 675 lbs. I was carrying 674 lbs out of that. Plus I had alot of daedric armors and weapons that I couldn't carry, not to mintion my soul gems and other commen/uncommen things around morrowind. So I then desided to do as my friend said. Which was to try that very spell mentioned above. I made it and have been using it. I know have a strength level of 4366 points, my enumbrance is now set at 21832 lbs. I am carring 3304 lbs out of that, but that's just half of my items that I have stored around morrowind. I would save before using this spell just so you can reload it if it doesn't work or if you don't like it. Also make sure your strength is at 100 before using other wise it might disappear. I know I had that trouble before because I used it when I was at level 5. It didn't work so well.
Anyway I hope it helps you in carring all of your items or any others that you might want. I know I'm a collector of artifacts and other rare items, not to mention any others that I like.
Enjoy the life of no weight limits