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Post by Aqua-chan »

I was very, very sure that I did not want to write out a reply to this because clearly tensions are running a little high. We all feel strongly about the issue and, for the most part, we all agree that whaling itself is despicable. However, my irritation at some one's post has led to angry outburst all around, so this will be the last defensive reply I post here.
Chimaera182 wrote:All forms of population control are valid and acceptable; mother nature taught us that. The fact that we've protected ourselves so well from several of them and that nature has thrown a few new ones in our face only shows that it's only natural. So yes, AIDS is an acceptable form of population control.

I cannot believe that any educated person would say something as ignorant as this.

These incurable diseases, not isolating the discussion to AIDs alone, aren't just "you don't wake up one day". Afflicted suffer for weeks, months. They languish, knowing they are dying but there is nothing that can be done. Their bodies decay right out from underneath them. That is not "acceptable".

Some time ago I discussed with some friends here that I was considering going on a year-long aid mission to an African nation with a relief team. When I was able to talk with the advisor he told me flat out that if I went I would more than likely make a friend that would die within the course of the stay. There would be intense psyche evaluations, repeated vaccinations for dozens of diseases, and very little - if any - medical treatment if I did fall ill. Then he recanted a story of how one volunteer, also from the United States, came home after his tour to find out he had contracted HIV. Such is the risk of being a good person.

The advisor asked me to consider if I had the mental endurance to sustain such emotional trauma. I'm not ashamed to say that I did not then, and still don't now. You would have to be inhuman to not be affected by some of the pictures he showed me.

Instead I volunteer with Special Education kids most days of the week. I was the first person a severely brain damaged girl, incapable of speech and complex thought, ever hugged on her own free will. So don't you feed me that crap about natural selection. Such is the thought process of a truly selfish person that doesn't want to deal with the terminally ill or handicapped because "Oh, there are just too many people in the world".
Chimaera182 wrote:As for pushing to lower birth rates, China has done it, and now scientists have been predicting some massive reprecussions which will hit them in a couple decades due to an inordinate disparity in gender. Swing and a miss.
Hm. I would have thought you would have been happy about this. Since your concern seems to be narrowly focused with the population of humanity on a whole, isn't the decrease of one of the planet's most densely populated regions a good thing? Or does the fact that a country can't reproduce because there is an inadequate male/female ratio make it unfortunate, just so long as people are dying at a consistant rate from health problems in another continent?
Chimaera182 wrote:As for birth control, people are educated in such things in the US and yet they still go and do without. How exactly will such a movement be more successful otherwhere?
A popular trend in history: when food is abundant, the population grows. It is hardly comparable to say that in North America, where even most financially strapped mothers have access to benefits like Social Security, food stamps, ect., birth control isn't utilized, so why should we offer it to poorer nations where a woman is on her own and know she'll probably have to watch the children she bears go hungry? Surely they won't use it, either.

If anything these families are more than likely to use birth control. That's not to say male dominated culture that demands sons and religion don't play a part in how many children a couple has, but I've taken enough population science classes to know that people won't stop having sex. Give them the option of using birth control to at least regulate when the woman wishes to get pregnant, and perhaps through this wait the couple can together learn if they are capable of having multiple children or not.
Chimaera182 wrote:The herder/wolf analogy isn't exactly good here. Humans are preying on whlaes, creating a possibility of chaos in the ecosystem. When humans kill wolves to protect their herds, and wolf numbers die down, their prey becomes more abundant. Without predators to keep their numbers down, their former prey becomes a more dominant disruptive force in the ecosystem, outeating its competitors and causing them to either migrate (which may not be easy or even possible if they're too close to human settlements and fences) or die out.
So the solution here would be not keep a herd? A herder without a herd is not a herder: he is a hunter/gatherer. Our population, United States - North America - the world - for the most part cannot rely on hunter/gatherer techniques to feed us adequately. It works in some areas, but for the most part not having livestock would cause many people to starve. I'm sorry if your field mice (also animals my family have poisoned for the sake of preserving our crop) have to relocate, but if a person must feed his family and must shoot either a man or an endangered deer for food, which is he going to kill? Yes, there need to be changes made to the way humans abuse the population of our fellow creatures, but the radical changes like the ones that have been suggested in this thread are not the way to go about it.
Chimaera182 wrote:Why is it that he needs to be a vegan conservationist energy do-gooder to complain or speak out?
He doesn't. What a person needs before vocalizing an opinion, particularly one as inflamatory as that, is to explain himself rather than sit and thumb his nose at people in distress.
Chimaera182 wrote:Education does not always equal enlightenment.
Chimaera182 wrote:An animal commits this so-called animal-on-animal violence as a means of survival; humans tend to do it not as a means of survival but for trophies, money, or even just the hell of it, and they waste parts of the animals when they do it. Big difference.
A few discrepancies with your logic here. Many animals do this, but for example the orca is known for killing sea lions "just for the hell of it" and toss the corpse around for fun. They get bored, leave it, and it rots. Second, I assure you, not all human hunters are poachers or trophy seekers. Believe it or not some of us do have some ethic: we eat the meat that us consumable by humans, and whatever is left of the buck is taken to a plant where it is stripped, ground up and processed to be put into livestock feed. Don't classify us all as mindless, bloodthirsty morons, if you please.
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Post by dragon wench »

Chimaera182 wrote:And as unfortunate as this is going to seem (even to me), sweatshops do provide jobs in otherwise opportunity-less communities. To not purchase such goods will deprive people of what little money they can scrape up, but if you're willing to live with the suffering such a catch 22 will cause, I'm game. I can't dedicate myself to organic foods as they're generally more expensive, and I'm a poor college student; to bankrupt myself trying to make sound choices is just ludicrous, but then I don't get on the whole food bandwagon to begin with. An organization that promotes peace goes against my warlike mentality; as I've mentioned before, I see war and conflict as progress, so to be anti-war flies in the face of my beliefs. Some groups that promote sound ecological practices are either counterproductive or misrepresentative; PETA comes to mind, and so does Green Peace, which has apparently been taken over by radicals who are anti-government rather than anti-bad-ecological-practices (one of the former founding members of Green Peace said as much, and you can go look it up for yourself).
Ah yes, that argument, "It's OK to exploit powerless people, because without our oh so generous support they'd be even worse off."

Had most nations adopted an attitude like that in South Africa, sanctions would never have been enforced, Nelson Mandela would still be in jail, and Apartheid would still be alive and well. Oh, but wait a minute... what am I thinking? Apartheid in South Africa isn't really all that important because some people here [url=""]neither knew nor cared[/url] who P.W Botha was when he died... :rolleyes:

Organic Food
Regarding the question of organic foods and price. I ate organic foods as much as possible while I was going through school, and so did many of the people I knew. Yes, they are a bit pricier, but it is a question of prioritising. I've never spent much money on things like alcohol, I don't smoke, yada yada. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous here, I'm simply saying that it's not as difficult as you make it sound, and that it really depends on how you allocate your cash.
As far as factory farming goes, see my post above.
An organization that promotes peace goes against my warlike mentality
Really? So why aren't you in Iraq right now?
Some groups that promote sound ecological practices are either counterproductive or misrepresentative; PETA comes to mind
Nutjob groups can always be cited in an attempt to discredit legitimate organisations and movements; sorry, it doesn't wash. I notice that you did not mention the Sierra Club, the Rain Forest Action Network or the David Suzuki Foundation. And those are just a few environmentalist organisations, you could just as easily become involved with Amnesty International or support Médecins Sans Frontières. All of the bodies I have mentioned here are credible and respected groups.

No.. what it *really* boils down to is that it is nice and convenient to adopt an apathetic and nihilistic approach to world problems, it means you don't actually have to move your backside and *do* something.
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Post by galraen »

dragon wench wrote:sweatshops
Ah yes, that argument, "It's OK to exploit powerless people, because without our oh so generous support they'd be even worse off."

Had most nations adopted an attitude like that in South Africa, sanctions would never have been enforced, Nelson Mandela would still be in jail, and Apartheid would still be alive and well. Oh, but wait a minute... what am I thinking? Apartheid in South Africa isn't really all that important because some people here [url=""]neither knew nor cared[/url] who P.W Botha was when he died... :rolleyes:

Organic Food
Regarding the question of organic foods and price. I ate organic foods as much as possible while I was going through school, and so did many of the people I knew. Yes, they are a bit pricier, but it is a question of prioritising. I've never spent much money on things like alcohol, I don't smoke, yada yada. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous here, I'm simply saying that it's not as difficult as you make it sound, and that it really depends on how you allocate your cash.
As far as factory farming goes, see my post above.

Really? So why aren't you in Iraq right now?

Nutjob groups can always be cited in an attempt to discredit legitimate organisations and movements; sorry, it doesn't wash. I notice that you did not mention the Sierra Club, the Rain Forest Action Network or the David Suzuki Foundation. And those are just a few environmentalist organisations, you could just as easily become involved with Amnesty International or support Médecins Sans Frontières. All of the bodies I have mentioned here are credible and respected groups.

No.. what it *really* boils down to is that it is nice and convenient to adopt an apathetic and nihilistic approach to world problems, it means you don't actually have to move your backside and *do* something.
Congratulations on your self control DW, I simply had to give up on making a responce to that {words fail me}, I simply couldn't have kept my cool and would have started a flame war, probably getting banned in the process.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.

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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

First of all, I think we all should take a deep breath and recall that this is supposed to be a friendly discussion and everybody is entitled to their opinion.
Chimaera182 wrote: That's not natural selection. In many ways, they are being prevented from having many of the modern day conveniences and amenities we take for granted.
In one of the other threads you said:
The way I've always seen it, we have two options. Either we kill ourselves slowly, or we kill ourselves quickly. The majority of people tend to lean towards the former, but if more people would lean towards the latter, the world might be a better place.
So, let me ask again: is it good or bad that the poor nations don't have the adequate health care and clean water? The result is a very high mortality rate (somewhat compensated by a high birth rate). Is the word going to be a better place if at least some of the population would die out because those poor people are socially weak and unable to support themselves? Is the world going to be a better place if millions would die from HIV? The strong nations will survive, of course.
Extermination is not a means to an end, it is just an end. Exterminating the hungry or the homeless does not address the problem which made them such.
It does not address the roots of the problem, true. Would the extermination address any problem at all, in your opinion?
To believe you hold purchase over some over some portion of Magrus' thought processes and just assume that that is exactly what he means... Well, you know what they say about assuming things.
I do not presume to know the whole spectrum of Magrus' intricate thought process. Especially when he is imbibing his health elixirs. :D
But I am pretty sure he has mentioned the extermination of the human species as the best solution to all ecological problems before.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Lady Dragonfly wrote:First of all, I think we all should take a deep breath and recall that this is supposed to be a friendly discussion and everybody is entitled to their opinion.
Is it because I am new to this board and don't know each of you enough? Or is it because we all see the emotions we want to see in the replies? Personally, I don't think this discussion as gone out of bounds. Of course, I am aware that at the point we are it could go wrong pretty easy, but any thread could go wrong at anytime if someone decides to make it go wrong. Discussing does not mean we should all agree. We can discuss other people opinions and try to convince them they are wrong if we think so. Can we?
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Post by galraen »

Lady Dragonfly wrote:So, let me ask again: is it good or bad that the poor nations don't have the adequate health care and clean water?
I was under the impression that the richest nation on earth doesn't have adequate health care, let alone the poorer ones.
[QUOTE=Darth Gavinius;1096098]Distrbution of games, is becoming a little like Democracy (all about money and control) - in the end choice is an illusion and you have to choose your lesser evil.

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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

Gilliatt wrote:Is it because I am new to this board and don't know each of you enough? Or is it because we all see the emotions we want to see in the replies?
No, because we see the emotions we do not want to see. :)
Gilliatt wrote: Discussing does not mean we should all agree. We can discuss other people opinions and try to convince them they are wrong if we think so. Can we?
Absolutely. It will also help if we try not to humiliate our opponents, even if we feel very righteous at the particular moment. :)

I was under the impression that the richest nation on earth doesn't have adequate health care, let alone the poorer ones.
It can be costly if you don't have insurance; that much is true. But you cannot even compare our so-called hardships to the hardships the rest of the world has to face. It is truly heart-breaking.
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Post by Gilliatt »

Lady Dragonfly wrote:Absolutely. It will also help if we try not to humiliate our opponents, even if we feel very righteous at the particular moment. :)
But when the opponent as a warlike mentality, can't we attack him on his ground? :p :D (Just kidding, I don't feel I am at war with anybody here.)
It can be costly if you don't have insurance; that much is true. But you cannot even compare our so-called hardships to the hardships the rest of the world has to face. It is truly heart-breaking.
I agree completely. While everybody has the right to ask for something better (we do it often in the province of Quebec, when we see people going to the hospital for something benign and dying a couple of weeks later because they caught something else there), not many of us here can complain that they live something similar to what happened in Lebanon not long ago and to what is happening in Darfur.
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Post by dragon wench »

@Lady Dragonfly,
no offense intended... but when somebody proclaims HIV to be a natural and acceptable form of population control, I find my ability to be diplomatic and tolerant diminishes significantly.

Besides, I don't think things in this thread are all that unreasonable, I have seen far worse during my stint here ;)
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Post by Lady Dragonfly »

dragon wench wrote:@Lady Dragonfly,
no offense intended... but when somebody proclaims HIV to be a natural and acceptable form of population control, I find my ability to be diplomatic and tolerant diminishes significantly.

Besides, I don't think things in this thread are all that unreasonable, I have seen far worse during my stint here ;)
:laugh: Trust me, I know.
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Post by Rurokenrox91 »

Magrus wrote:
Every human life saved due to modern medicine and the like dooms many other creatures of other species. It isn't a wonderful thing, it is a small step closer to the death knell of a different species altogether. It isn't being narrow-minded and insensitive, it is looking forward, without this insane delusion that humans have some divine right to do whatever they want to this world or it's inhabitants.
So are you saying we shouldn't see the doctor? That we shouldn't get medicine because we have to flu, or strep throat. Because if that's so, you can't tell me you have NEVER taken medicine before.
Sorry if this seems like a flame, I'm simply trying to understand where he or she is coming from...
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Post by Sean The Owner »

sure, we've all taken medicine, but they give needles to animals with disease inside just so they can test antidotes, thats just wrong, test it on the people who have contracted the disease/virus, or w/e else, not the animals that you buy for the intent of killing them, this is getting quite far off topic i think though(or i read this thing wrong and we arent) so preferably start off again with an on topic post next...
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Post by Vicsun »

All forms of population control are valid and acceptable; mother nature taught us that.
What are you talking about who is this mother nature and how did she teach us all forms of population control are valid and acceptable?

The fact that we've protected ourselves so well from several of them and that nature has thrown a few new ones in our face only shows that it's only natural. So yes, AIDS is an acceptable form of population control.
AIDS is natural and therefore acceptable? This is by far the weirdest appeal to nature I've ever seen. Sometimes, in order to point out the absurdity of appeal to nature, I point out how AIDS is natural, but since you've already made that argument in full seriousness I've no idea how to respond.

As for pushing to lower birth rates, China has done it, and now scientists have been predicting some massive reprecussions which will hit them in a couple decades due to an inordinate disparity in gender. Swing and a miss.
...which is why AIDS is preferable, right? You also win a cookie if you present evidence that birth control in China resulted in the inordinate disparity in gender (which is also happening in Taiwan and South Korea).

As for birth control, people are educated in such things in the US and yet they still go and do without.
...which is why America's fertility rate equals that of Kenya, right?

If Magrus is anything like me--and I think we've established that he is--natural extinction and animal-on-animal violence is absolutely fine. If a species can't cope with life and dies out because it has maladaptive traits, then it is entirely for the benefit of the ecosystem that they die out. If not, they will just waste resources that their competitors could have used to continue to grow strong, and it would weaken the ecosystem as a whole if they didn't become extinct.

This I pretty much agree with. Now read it again, and this time keep in mind that humans too are animals that are a part of the ecosystem, and thus what you wrote applies to them too :)
Mind you, I've nothing against conservation of nature, but if it comes to them or us, I'm willing to give human life a higher value than nonhuman life and won't feel the tiniest bit of guilt doing so.

dragon wench, re: slaughterhouses, I'm still not convinced, but I feel that replying to you would drive the thread further off-topic. If you wish to discuss this and create a new thread, I have some bad things to say about organic food too :)
Vicsun, I certainly agree with your assertion that you are an unpleasant person. ~Chanak

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