silverdragon72 wrote:.
ok, at least better than v.2 and v.3, but still not that effective...
PC1: is just a decoy and (in HOF only a decoy) and therefore weak, don't understand why you won't take the PC1 build described in my thread that could reach a AC72+ easily! - (No matter if drow or not, just a question of how you allocate some items and I prefer having two or three builds quite close to AC72, especially if they have access to buffs, then just one having AC72+)
PC2: good choice, beside that L25 is enough, therefore I would spend the remaining levels to Pal2 and Monk3
PC3: as already said, a 2nd Pal level, and same as above: 3 monk levels optional!
PC4: if you really want a 2nd sorc, copy paste PC3
PC5: overkill, a non spec back-up caster is a good decision, but you start running out of melee capability - there are enough battles getting attacked from two sides or more sides, even getting in a pocket or worst getting seperated...
...and also enough battles with no chance to cast any pre-buffs or do any pre-battle summoning...-...and even combination of both... I would strongly recommend more then one high level AC build!
PC6: why do you try to avoid the bard / druid build at all cost?!!
SD, I'm trying to come up with my own party, not copy yours and have a go at it.
Anyway, I've modified my party slightly. It's still pretty simple:
Character #1: LG Deep Gnome Fighter 4/Rogue 3/Paladin 3/Illusionist 20
S: 16 D: 20 C: 14 I: 18 W: 5 Ch: 1
The is my decoy/tank/scout character. He handles all of the thieving skills, and is a backup wizard (he's the only character who can scribe scrolls in this party). With a plethora of extra feats, he should cover a lot of roles. Will increase DEX almost every time, and INT once (for the 9th level spells).
Important Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Disable Device, Search, Open Locks, Concentration, Spellcraft.
Important Feats: Expertise, Dodge, WS: Large Sword, Armored Arcana (x3), Improved Critical, Maximized Attacks, Dash, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting.
Character #2: LE Deep Gnome Monk 30
S: 16 D: 20 C: 14 I: 3 W: 20 Ch: 1
This is my other decoy/tank/scout character. She should be nigh-unhittable in the game, and deal out a significant amount of damage in melee. I'm considering swapping STR and CON scores. Will increase WIS every 4 levels.
Important Skills: Hide & Move Silently.
Important Feats: Dodge, Dirty Fighting, Weapon Finesse (this works with fists, right?), Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Critical, Lightning Reflexes.
Character #3: CN Human Druid 19/Cleric (Tempus) 11
S: 18 D: 16 C: 18 I: 3 W: 18 Ch: 3
This is my Druid. He'll start the game as a Battleguard, and after the 1st level will exclusively level-up as a Druid (I like the axe feat to start). The 10 other Battleguard levels will be added in HoF, because a Druid basically tops out after 19 or 20 levels. Will increase both STR and WIS every 4 levels.
Important Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft (stop at 14), Wilderness Lore.
Important Feats: GSF: Evocation, GSF: Transmutation, Spirit of Flame, Scion of Storms, Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting.
Character #4: LG Human Cleric (Lathander) 24/Paladin 2/Fighter 2/Monk 1/Ranger 1
S: 14 D: 12 C: 14 I: 3 W: 18 Ch: 15
This is my primary healer, and serves as a pretty good blaster with her domain spells. She can serve as a decent tank in regular mode, but is better as a reserve in that role. All stat increases go to WIS, and CHA will be boosted with a Wolf Hat. She will take 2 levels as a Paladin in regular mode, and all other levels as a Morninglady.
If I decide on the other mix-ins detailed above, they won't be added until late in HoF. If not, the extra levels will go into Cleric.
Important Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft (stop at 14). Considering Hide/Move Silently after that.
Important Feats: GSF: Evocation, Spirit of Flame, Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting, Lightning Reflexes.
Character #5: LG Human Paladin 2/Sorcerer 28
S: 10 D: 18 C: 18 I: 4 W: 8 Ch: 18
This is my main bomber. The Paladin levels are added late in regular mode, to take advantage of Paladin quest. All stat increases go to CHA. Will consider adding Rogue 1 very late in HoF for CHA-boosting item.
Important Skills: Concentration & Spellcraft
Important Feats: GSF: Evocation, GSF: Necromancy, Spirit of Flame, Scion of Storms, Combat Casting, Subvocal Casting.
Character #6: N Human Bard 11/Sorcerer 19
S: 8 D: 10 C: 18 I: 18 W: 4 Ch 18
This is my diplomat, loremaster, and backup bomber. He will start as a Bard 11, then go to Sorcerer exclusively. All stat increases go to CHA.
Important Skills: Concentration, Spellcraft (stop at 6), Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy, Knowledge: Arcana, Alchemy.
Important Feats: Bullheaded, GSF: Evocation, GSF: Enchantment, Spirit of Flame, Aqua Mortis, Lingering Song, Subvocal Casting.
The party seems pretty complete to me. As you can see, I've leaned more towards humans for this party, as it'll allow me a little more freedom with skills and ability points.