I wish I'd jumped in earlier. AquaChan is entirely on the money- you've got too many mages. This is brutal in the first part of the game because spellcasters generally don't bring the hurt until at least level 10 or 12, imho. By the time they get up to level 8/9 spells (level 17+) you've got some power, but you still have to rest pretty often.
[QUOTE=HandsomeDevil]Come to think of it, I don't know why I started a sorc. It's like a friend of mine said to me about pnp D&D, "I don't know why you agonize so much about your character when it's so obvious you're happiest playing a chaotic damage machine." Hmmm, I think I smell another character being rolled up...[/quote]
I want the ultimate "ready for any circumstances" character, try some version of a fighter/theif. I've written about this class here repeatedly, so I'll just link to an old post. Check it out [url="http://www.gamebanshee.com/forums/765699-post21.html"]here[/url]. That's the original post. There's links to other posts in there. Check it out.
I bring this up because I
hate buffing. Really. I generally don't like to use magic that much, but buffing is the worst. I just think it is poorly done in the game. So I like to have a very melee-heavy party. Plus, there's no real theif in the game, and the theives have the best HLAs available.
[QUOTE=HandsomeDevil]And by the way, the post about Minsc being a non-entity RP-wise has hit home. I've played this game into the Underdark, and now that I think about it, Minsc's character arc was pretty much complete by chapter 2.[/quote]
That may be true, but I, for one, really like Minsc. I think he has some good dialogue options and is a great tank. The fact that he has the odd ranger trick (sneak, as well as the berzerk function) comes in handy once in a blue moon. He's not a straighforward engine of destruction like Korgan, but if you want to keep aerie around and/or have a good party, Korgan has other issues. Plus, there are TONS of two handed swords in the game, so Minsc has that going for him as well.
[QUOTE=HandsomeDevil]Thanks to everyone who's replied. I friggin' dig these boards because people will stick around to talk about a 6 or 7 year old game.
Dude, the game rocks! I don't even play anymore and I still post about it.