BG1 and BG2/TOB are so different from each other, I think of them as two separate games. Tactics and spells that work well in BG1 don't work so well in BG2. As a result, Sorcerer spell picks that are good choices in BG1 might go to waste in BG2/TOB.
Nevertheless, here are a few suggestions.
1st Level spells:
Sleep is probably the most useful spell if you have other characters in your party who can hit with their weapons once in a while. There are lots of monsters with less than 4+3 hit dice in BG1, and they usually fail their saving throws, so Sleep will let you kill them without taking much damage.
Magic Missile will always be useful. It's probably better than Burning Hands in BG1 since you want to stay out of the monsters' reach.
Charm Person is more useful than you might think, but it is rendered obsolete by an extremely cheesy item you can pickpocket from a non-joinable NPC.
The original version of Chromatic Orb (which was modified in BG2 and probably in Tutu as well) functioned as a very good Stunning spell when you reached sufficient level. It works even better in Icewind Dale.
Speaking of Icewind Dale, Grease was a great powergaming spell, and maybe you can incorporate it into your BG1 tactics.
Spook comes in handy in BG2, so I would reserve a slot for that later.
Choosing Find Familiar doesn't make any sense to me, especially from a roleplaying perspective ("Wow, I just discovered that I have the ability to summon a special friend!"), but if there aren't any other spells you have a use for, then I guess it doesn't matter if you waste a spell slot.
2nd Level spells:
Mirror Image is indispensible, and it should be your first pick.
The BG2 version of Glitterdust is a great spell, and it functions nicely in combination with Greater Malison. If your enemies fail their saving throws, they get a -4 penalty to their attack rolls, saving throws, and armor class. Just think about the THAC0 tables and saving throw tables in BG1 for a moment. If you and your opponents have a base THAC0 of 18, your attacks are going to miss a lot and your swords will be swinging in the air. Just think of what those penalties will do to your enemies. For starters, you have at least a 20% better chance to hit them, and they might not even be able to hit you. Even the 1st level spell Protection From Evil makes a difference in BG1.
Stinking Cloud and Web are effective, but they are not party-friendly. Horror is better unless you can set up a trap that will only affect your enemies.
Ray of Enfeeblement seems like a waste of time to me in BG1, and it only affects one opponent. Resist Fear is more useful, and you'll need it fairly often in BG1.
3rd Level spells:
Use wands instead of choosing spells like Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Monster Summoning. (And use them a lot.)
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/)
If I were playing a Sorcerer in BG1 (what a strange concept), I'd choose from the following: Haste, Slow, Dispel Magic (you'll need to use it on your own party members once in a while), Skull Trap, and Hold Person (for some of those really tough opponents).
Remove Magic is useful in BG2/TOB, but spells that dispel enemy protection spells aren't needed very often in BG1. I didn't see any others on your list. But you need to leave room for some of them in BG2/TOB. I use Secret Word and Spell Thrust.
4th Level spells:
Stoneskin and Emotion. If you make it that far.
Spellcasters have their place in BG1, but they don't "rule" like they do in BG2/TOB. On my first run, I used arrows and missile weapons to kill almost everything; in later games, I relied mostly on buffed up melee warriors with Mage backup. Backstabbing also works well on the toughest monsters in the game.
Everyone has a tendency to suffer from poor THAC0, so you need all the bonuses you can get. A 7th level Fighter with 18/xx Strength and a +2 sword and a potion of haste is about the strongest character you can hope for in BG1.
When it comes to NPCs, the list is staggering. There are 25 to choose from. Imoen is very useful in BG1. Safana is almost as good, and you might like her personality. When it comes to warriors, high Strength is the main thing you want to look for. You know Minsc, of course, and Kivan and Coran are both very popular. Fortunately, most of them are easy to find. I think it's a good idea to get to know some of the NPCs you haven't seen before, but you might need to play more than one game to get to know all of them.