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Looking for some CHA boosting stuff

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Looking for some CHA boosting stuff

Post by Klorox »

Other than some wolf clothing, will I find any CHA boosting stuff in this game? I'm really looking forward to making my Sorcerer and Bard better.

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-- Jackie Robinson

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Post by Redrake »

Yes, if you have a level as a thief (for a bard is quite good), you are going to find a very nice helmet in the Underdark and later on, rings of charisma.
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Post by JJComo »

Eagles Splendor and other spells..

Eagles splendor will increase your charisma by 1d4+1. Therefore making your DC higher. I couldn't find any other spells that gave you a significant charisma bonus. That plus +1 you get from Eagles splendor is already just as good as all that winter wolf clothing your party members are wearing. The cold resistence comes in handy probably save you bout 100 hp or more while your wearing boots or anything else made from winter wolf pelts.

Fifteen birds in five firtrees,
Their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
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