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GB Shivering Isles review?

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GB Shivering Isles review?

Post by Tricky »

I just wanted to know if there's going to be one. I know I don't have to bother reading any of the standardized Oblivion reviews out there, and most people I look up to here aren't likely to even consider purchasing the expansion.

I'd still like to read a non-biased review, uh.. though I realize I may be the only one at this point. Save one or two other sites, GameBanshee is pretty much my only at chance reading a fair review.
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Post by Siberys »

Possibly, most of the reviews done here are voluntary, so it's not like there's a review on every single game out there.

Fable did the Oblivion review, so maybe he might do shivering isles, but then again maybe not.
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Post by fable »

Siberys wrote:Fable did the Oblivion review, so maybe he might do shivering isles, but then again maybe not.
Won't. I was very disappointed in Oblivion, though I tried to be objective and point out that the title could strongly appeal to a very young market. What little time I've got for reviewing games might be put to one of the better titles this year, such as Age of Decadence, but that's about it.
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Post by Tricky »

Would that mean that if I bought it, I could try and submit my own review?
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Post by fable »

Tricky wrote:Would that mean that if I bought it, I could try and submit my own review?
You could, but that doesn't mean Buck would run it. He usually asks within a group of members who have previously done reviews, several of them, professionallly on a regular basis. You might try first submitting a couple of reviews you already have to hand with no expectations of publication, just to show what you can do. :)
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Post by Tricky »

Heh, like that's going to happen. Nah, I was just curious. I don't play enough recent games for that to pay off. I'd probably come across as overly critical too.
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Post by fable »

Tricky wrote:Heh, like that's going to happen. Nah, I was just curious. I don't play enough recent games for that to pay off. I'd probably come across as overly critical too.
There's no such thing as "overly" critical. The important thing to do is apply a series of reasonable critical criteria to a product, and draw upon extended experience with other products of a similar type for comparisons and contrasts. Where most online game reviews fail, in my opinion, is that they display no apparent critical evaluative criteria beyond "how are the graphics?" and "does it do multiplayer?" while demonstrating all sorts of inaccuracies about their genre's history.
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Post by Tricky »

Let me rephrase that. I think there's a good chance I'd be inaccurately critical. I think I'll need a few more years on me before I can write as well as you, or any of the other writers here.
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Post by BuckGB »

Since Fable isn't interested, it will be quite awhile before you'll see a Shivering Isles review (if at all). Our current "to do" list includes a bunch of Jade Empire: Special Edition content, a Titan Quest: Immortal Throne walkthrough, and reviews for each of those games. After that, I'll probably work on the Shivering Isles equipment database, spell database, and walkthrough, so a review would come sometime after all of that is completed.

With Mass Effect coming out in May, though, I seriously doubt I'll have the time to write a review for it. I wish we could kick out a review for every RPG released, but it just isn't realistic with all of the other content we specialize in.
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