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The Equializer and other longswords

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The Equializer and other longswords

Post by Kharas »

First of all, I'm a bit new to this forum so I couldn't be arsed reading the 606 other pages. Hope you can forgive me.

Anyway, I forgot the hilt to the equalizer (which is the part I always remember, and I forget the blade instead) in the Underdark so I was quite pissed off to say the least :mad:
But the Equalizer looks like a YUMMY blade and I was wondering if it's worth starting all over again for? I really wanted to finish ToB with this character (which is by the way a pit fighter) and I was just wondering how early on you find thoose 4+ swords. I have The Sword of Rose, Daystar, Adjatha and Flame tounge which I could live on but if The Equalizer turns out to be better than theese and perhaps even the fabled (if I am to believe earlier threads :p ) Blackrazor down in the Abyss it would really be bitter to miss out on it.

Oh, and on another note. I'm chaotic good and have 20 in reputation, what does it involve when taking Blackrazor? Would that change my alignment or drop my reputation to below 8 or something like that?

- Teh Kharas plx
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Post by galraen »

Personally I don't think it's worth the hassle, but if you haven't taken out Irenicus yet, you can still go back and get it.

As to Blackrazor, like any of the trials, if you 'fail the test', (by taking it), you will become evil.
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Post by fable »

Not worth the hassle. Besides, you could always CLUAConsole it back in, I suppose. Or add a mod that puts a new shop in with good weapons, and "gift" yourself with more gold, if you want to go that route. Frankly, it's all powerplaying--not my speed--but if you bought the game, it's yours to do with as you will, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Here's a link to a site that provides an explanation how to use CLUAConsole, and to get just the item you want.
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Post by Celacena »

go ahead punk, make my day

The Equaliser? I have forged it and almost never used it.

Now Blackrazor - that is another deal - my character has been using it, even though he is not proficient in that weapon. you can get BR without becoming evil. OK so it is bad RP, but so many things are - you get given it and you need the tear - if you are not an evil character, you don't want to kill for it needlessly SO you steal the tear. pickpocket the blue-circled genie and walk away from the situation.

that sword has so many useful facets that it is worth getting.

some of the 'improved' swords are actually very good later on.

it almost tempts you to play a Paladin...
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Post by RPG Guy (sorta) »

I agree, the Equalizer is NOT worth it by the time you can get it forged. Mind you, I always collect the pieces and have it put together but for entirely ridiculous reasons, never practical.

Still, if it gives you some sense of accomplishment, then do'er. After all, you've been carrying around that damn pommel gem since the very beginning of chapter 1.

Daystar +4 is a good long sword and you can find it pretty early in the game (no assembly or batteries required).

What I think what you'll come to learn about SoA/ToB is that long swords are NOT the way to go except in limited circumstances. I think you'll find that wielding some of the insanely powered 2-handed weapons OR dual wielding katanas/scimitars is more destructive/satisfying, depending on the character.

Although, dual wielding long swords is something I've yet to try and I've read on these forums that there are some great applications.

Good luck.have fun.
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Post by Celacena »

does a bard

...have dualling banjos?

I have often dual-wielded Celestial Fury - Blackrazor aside (it comes too late) - CF has been my favourite sword and indeed favourite weapon except Staff of the Magi. what makes it so brilliant is that you can RPG it so well - a katana having mulitple attacks does not stretch credibility and if one of those is lucky - kaboom! one stunned opponent.

Daystar is good for fighting undead - the sun ray is great as a nasty surprise when you are surrounded.

another great weapon is the staff which has a % chance to stun - it says that it doesn't work on giants - YES IT DOES!!!! I was fighting Fire Giants in ToB and lo and behold, a creature 15 foot high flies backwards and lays on the floor. I think I had whatever it was upgraded, but even so - being able to knock enemies backwards and away from you is as useful as stun.

I usually dual-wield with the second weapon that has some general benefit such as an immunity or a boost.

for a dual-wielding long-sword expert, Blade of the Roses or Dragon-Slayer are early contenders.

I like to have one party member who is over 100% immune to fire - the dragon helm, shield and scale armour plus a ring can frustrate fire-dependent attackers. give that character an ice-based weapon and you are in for a real elemental confrontation. somebody said that being over 100% resistant to something lets it heal you, but I haven't noticed that.

I've recently got to the final show-down in ToB and got a bit bored - I need to decide what to start with for the first time in ages. weapon proficiency will be in my mind.
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Post by VonDondu »

I never use the Equalizer, but if you search these forums, some people have reported that when you wield the Equalizer with your offhand, the attack bonuses are also applied to the weapon you wield in your main hand. A +6 bonus sounds pretty nice to me.
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Post by Kharas »

It would be interesting to know what the Equalizer hits on a chaotic evil monster though, a dragon for instance. Anyone who knows?
I mean, it can't be THAT bad? :p

But yeah, I can't help it, I just love the versatility of collecting the longswords, seems like there is a longsword for every occation. But then again, I've never really tried to figure out the stats of anything, I just go with whatever seems to cause more havoc :p
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Post by Thrifalas »

Kharas wrote:It would be interesting to know what the Equalizer hits on a chaotic evil monster though, a dragon for instance. Anyone who knows?
I mean, it can't be THAT bad? :p

But yeah, I can't help it, I just love the versatility of collecting the longswords, seems like there is a longsword for every occation. But then again, I've never really tried to figure out the stats of anything, I just go with whatever seems to cause more havoc :p
The +4 and +5 weapons will pour in if you keep your eyes open and pay attention to Cespenar once you're in ToB. Equalizer isnt even that good by SoA standards.
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